Chapter 3

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Izuku's Pov:

I wake up on the futon by myself and look around for Kacchan. My brain started to flood with flashbacks from yesterday, and I blushed in embarrassment. Fortunately, my friends knew and avoided asking me personal things while I was in heat, but with Kacchan it's different. Since I tend to blurt out anything someone asks me while I'm in heat, which can be challenging most of the time. The surge of heat caused me to roll onto my stomach and grasp the pillow hard as I moaned in frustration. 

I kept rolling around on the futon in the hopes that the discomfort would at least slightly lessen. Sadly, it didn't help and made things worse, so here I was clutching my stomach and on the verge of crying. My mind was becoming faint and a strong scent took over the room. Rubbing my inner thighs together to gain friction distracts my mind from the scent that got stronger with every passing second.

 Before I knew it, I drowned in the sweet caramel scent and fell off the futon. Whining I attempted to get up but stumbled when I felt myself being lifted up by a firm grip. Slipping into the heat, I rubbed against the warmth embracing me. 

Bakugou's Pov:

" Damn Deku, I didn't know your heat got that bad in the last few years," I think. Normally pills would calm down his heat a bit but this is getting out of hand. He really needs to find a mate or he's going to keep struggling. 

I carried him to his bedroom and laid him down as gently as possible. The last thing I want is a hissing omega trying to kill me. I groaned in irritation and looked at the short stack making a nest. 

Looking around, I noticed his taste in style had definitely changed. 

I was still baffled, Izuku had told me his side of the story about what happened after I left but there were still some missing gaps I can't get hold of.  

He had neither All Might figures nor posters. I've known Deku for a very long time, and one thing I can say about him is that once he makes up his mind on something, there is no turning back. He wasn't trying to tell me something, I knew that much. Someone, I'm sure, played a role in Deku's failure to become a hero.

Though I knew I had to be patient, it was hard knowing someone went that far to make Izuku re-decide his decision. He had been bullied for so long and still didn't change his mind. I punch the wall next to me in irritation and turn around to Deku's nest when he calls my name. 

" Kacchan come in already!" Deku whined. 

I rolled my eyes at the dork and crawled into his nest. He had the shirt that I wore yesterday, clutching it tightly as if it'd disappear if he let it go. I moved closer to him, ruffling his messy hair. I skipped my patrol yesterday and I knew I was going to be in trouble if I didn't go today but I didn't like the feeling of leaving deku all alone. 

I could call shittyhair later and ask him to cover up for me. Deku needed me right now and I couldn't leave him, not when I only got him back.  Grinning, I held Deku in my arms and spread my scent around the nest before drifting off to sleep. 

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I wake up and check the time on my phone. It was late in the afternoon so I shuffled around carefully, holding Deku close to my chest. I got up and looked down at the broccoli in my arms. I place Izu down and put a blanket on him so he doesn't feel cold. I tuck him in and kiss his forehead before getting up and making my way to the kitchen again. I had made breakfast earlier and put it in the fridge quickly before running over to Deku in the morning. I didn't feel like cooking right now so I took out the pancakes I made for breakfast and reheated them in the frying pan, placing it on the plate and spotting some syrup. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2022 ⏰

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