The smell of fire lingers with me

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Everything was engulfed with flames, and the cries and screams of everyone had been silenced. Blood dripping down her sword, Her eyes had a terrifying look in them. There was no remorse or guilt on her face as she lit everything on fire. Everyone's lives were nothing to her as she took it away from them. Then she suddenly looked back and glared at me. She remained silent but just stared at me. Her penetrating glares felt more suffocating than the flames surrounding me. I couldn't move or speak or even take my eyes off her, I felt completely vulnerable at that moment.

For the first time in my life, I felt like I had lost everything and had succumbed to despair but as I looked back at her empty eyes it seemed like she too had succumbed to despair much longer than I have.

I wake up in a cold sweat. That was terrifying, and what's more chilling to know is that dream might be the reality of my future. Everyone's future. I clutch at my loose blouse and I could feel my heart rapidly beat faster. It's like I could still smell the smoke and blood from that dream. A tear runs down my face as my heartbeat is still running and the sense of fear I had is still with me.

A sudden loud thud came from my window as if to wake me up once more. The sun still hasn't risen yet so I cautiously walk toward my window. Without having to look I have a feeling I already know who would be waiting for me below my window. I slowly open my window hoping the screech coming from the old thing won't wake up my family.

"Oh Xavier," She says dramatically. " Let down your golden orange hair so that I may climb thy golden stair for the cold wind is freezing my ass off."

"That isn't what's written in that fairytale." I laugh.

"Who says?" she smirks as she climbs the rough and rocky stone walls of my house, I live on the second floor so she never fails to surprise me when she expertly climbs that wall. Once she gets high enough I reach out my hand as I always did and pull her up to the window sill for her to jump right into my room which makes a sound from the old wooden floors.

"Quiet!" I say in a low voice hoping no one else could hear me.

"Whatever. I'm sure your parents know I come here every other night anyways." She nonchalantly says as she lies down on my bed acting like she owns the place.

"That's even worse you idiot."

"Why? Are you embarrassed by having a pretty girl over?" She teasingly says. I roll my eyes and take a seat at the edge of my bed.

Liraz. She settled in this old village 1 year ago. I remember it clearly, She claimed to be a young traveling merchant who had all sorts of artifacts and trinkets for adventurers. Though that wasn't what people were wanting to hear since they were all stunned at the thought of a young fifteen-year-old girl traveling around by herself and is now about to settle in a small wooden home in the village. The older villagers grew wary of her believing she was nothing but trouble. They also openly disliked her dark black hair which they deemed as unlucky because it resembled a black cat's fur.

All wariness seemed to disappear when she proved herself as a useful merchant to the adventures of this town. Some villagers grew to like her because of her somewhat charming personality.

It was practically inevitable that I grew closer to her seeing as she was the only one who was the same age as I in this old forest, her being older by just a few months. It was interesting hearing her talk about the journey she's been and all the adventurers she's sold to and how she's had some amazing trade-ins for artifacts and shiny trinkets.

Though she's gotten busier lately so she decided to visit me during the night, she says I should be grateful because she's making time for me but all I've gotten from this was  lack of sleep.

I yawn.

"Did I wake you up?"

"No worries, I was awake before you tried breaking into my room."

"If you say it like that people might think I was a thief," she says. Pausing for a bit she resumes.

" Did you perhaps have had a prophetic dream that woke you up so early, Xavier?" She says, she sits up on my bed and gives me a serious face.

"I think it might be serious this time." I sigh.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"It was terrifying Liraz. I saw someone killing every single person in that place. Until now I can still smell the smoke and ash. I think she might be a fire aura user because everything went up in flames."

"She must hate trees."
"I'm serious," I say.

" Yeah so am I. Look I'm free for the morning so why don't I accompany you to your Sybyll clan and you can talk to the elders there, They'd probably know what to do."

She comes closer to me and puts her hand on my shoulder

"It's gonna be okay Xavier." She gives me a reassuring smile. I slowly grasp her hand that's on my shoulder. Suddenly there's warm sunlight that's gently shining at us. I feel at peace and I hadn't realized that I've already calmed down from that awful dream I had. 

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