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Dawn appeared, Rupert became the new owner of the Magic shop, Meeting Glory, and Joyce died. After the funeral, Buffy and Rupert were talking in his apartment while he rested in his bedroom. She decided to help him out around the house. "Well, you are the Slayer, and the lives of others depend upon you! I am so honored that you chose to trust me to carry your burden." Rupert said as he kissed her forehead gently. "I will always be here when you need me, Buffy." Rupert added looking at the beautiful young woman. " Thank you, Rupert!" She said blushing heavily. "I don't wanna die but I know that I will one day and when I do, you must protect her." She explained as she looked at him. She placed her hand on his cheek. "Must protect whom, Buffy?" Rupert asked her as he looked at his young slayer. "You have to promise me that no matter what you will protect Dawn, Rupert. I love you both so much and I know that you will take such good care of her. You must protect her, take her to England with you but you must protect her." She said as she looked at her Watcher. "Wh-why are you telling me all of this?" Rupert asked as he looked at his slayer. He sat up and took another sip of tea. "Because, if I die or disappear for any reason, Rupert Giles, you are to legally assume full guardianship over Dawn. I have already packed up a large duffle bag with her passport, her social security card, her birth certificate, the deed to the house, and a car, everything that she will need. There is also a tape that has me telling her how much I love her and how proud I am of the woman she is becoming. The bag contains all of my savings which I have been saving since I became the Slayer, it isn't much but it will help her live a comfortable life. It is stashed underneath my bed. If one day, I die then it is your responsibility to protect her and make sure that she lives a long and healthy life." She explained to him, tears flowing from her eyes. "Because I know that you will make sure that she is safe and well-cared for. You are the person that I trust most in this world." She added, softly as she placed her hand on his cheek. "Promise me that you will look after her and keep her safe." She said looking at Rupert. "I promise, Buffy." He said as he pulled the young woman into her arms. "Have you told her yet?" Rupert asked her. "No, but Willow and Xander already know. They went with me." Buffy explained to him.

"Hey Dawnie, how was school?" She asked as she wiped away her tears. "Good, what's wrong, Buffy?" Dawn asked her older sister concerned. "We will talk about it later. What are you doing here?" Buffy said softly. "Oh right, I wanted to check on Giles, Willow said he wasn't feeling well." Dawn said looking at them. She smiled and hugged him gently. Dawn began telling stories of things that she read in school. They began having some intellectual discussions. "I'mma go make us some dinner." Buffy said as she got up and kissed both of their foreheads before she refilled his cup with the warm homey tea that had been sitting on the teapot warmer. He took it and sipped it gently before placing it back into its saucer. "You are so British, Rupert. It's adorable." She commented as she poured some tea for Dawn. "Thank you." She said as she took the tea and drank it smiling softly. "You want anything?" She asked them. "I will take anything you want to make. It doesn't have to be anything big." Rupert said as he looked at the young woman. "Could I get a peanut butter and banana sandwich, Buffy?" Dawn asked her older sister. "Of course, you can Dawnie." She said as she went downstairs and cleaned the dishes. She made Dawn two peanut butter and banana sandwiches. They were cut into triangles. She then made chicken ramen for herself and Rupert. It did take long before she was back upstairs with their meals. She handed them to whom they belonged. "I'm going downstairs to clean up, bring your dishes down when you feel up to it." Buffy said as she went downstairs and ate her lunch before she cleaned the dishes and then proceeded to organize everything. She organized his books in alphabetical order on the bookshelves and made it so that his desk and the weapons trunk would be in the walkway. She moved the couch a little bit over and found a small stand and placed it in front of the couch. She then put the T.V. on it and candles, herbs, and stuff in the drawers of the stand. stacked neatly against it. Dawn came downstairs and saw Buffy's improvements. "Wow, it's a lot cleaner and less cluttered," Dawn said looking at her as she put the dishes in the sink.  "Oh, Buffy you wanted to talk to me?" Dawn asked questionably. "Yes, you're not in any trouble. But there is something very important that you need to know." She said looking at her. She gestured for Dawn to sit down on the couch and she did. "Dawnie, if I die or disappear for any reason. Rupert Giles will legally assume full guardianship over you. I have already packed up a large duffle bag with your passport, social security card, birth certificate, and the deed to the house and a car, everything that you will need. The bag contains all of my savings which I have been saving since I became the Slayer, it isn't much but it will help you be able to live a comfortable life. It is stashed underneath my bed." She said looking at her. "So if you die, I will be safe with Giles and everything that you have will become mine, just like you set up for me." Dawn asked her older sister. "Yes, I will do my absolute best to make sure that you are protected and loved by family." Buffy said as she wiped away her little sister's tears. "I love you, Dawnie." She said as she hugged her little sister. "I love you too, Buffy." Dawn said as she held onto her sister. They took a moment to collect themselves. Dawn went back upstairs to continue her and Rupert's intellectual conversations whereas Buffy crashed on the couch. Dawn sat on his bed and smiled at him. "Thank you, Giles. For letting me live with you if something happens to Buffy." She said looking at her role model. "Always." He replied simply. "You are a part of my weird and rather large family." He added as he leaned over and kissed her head gently.

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