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It was then that Ethan Rayne had decided to come back into town to cause some trouble for the Slayer. But when he couldn't find them he used magic to track Rupert Giles to the Watcher's Retreat. He set up camp in the forest away from them. He then waited at the edge of the forest until he knew for certain that they were asleep. He then snuck into their tent and dosed Rupert with some kind of serum. When Rupert woke up he exited the tent, he went and used the bathroom. He looked in the mirror, he had light brownish tan skin, long brown hair and two horns coming from his head. As he yawned he showed off a set a fangs much like a vampire's. "Uh! Wha-- What the bloody hell!" He exclaimed touching his horns. "No!" He said leaning closer to the mirror as he looked at his clawed hands. Buffy woke up to an empty bed to a loud noise. She looked around and noticed the empty spot in her bed. "Rupert? Where are you?!" She yelled as she left the tent. She grabbed her stake as she looked at the demon. Rupert turned around and looked at her and Wesley who had come and joined her. She looked into the demon's eyes and saw Giles' beautiful green eyes staring back at her. Buffy is looking into his eyes and the realization hit her. "Rupert?" She asked as she dropped her stake and walked over to him. "Wonderful. She figured it out." Giles said softly. "Mr. Giles? She is quite wonderful isn't she?" Wesley said in response at he looked at his now demon colleague. "You can understand me?" He asked her. "You're speaking Fyarl. I happen to speak Fyarl. How did you become a Fyarl demon again?" Wesley said as he looked at him. "Ethan Rayne, he is the only person to do something as stupid as this. You have to help me find a way to reverse this." Rupert said looking at them. "We will, Mr. Giles I promise." He said as Rupert looked over at Buffy. "Find Ethan Rayne, Buffy." He told her. She nodded in understanding and she grabbed knives and a sword and patrolled the forest wearing Rupert's shirt and only shorts. She came up on him as he just finished packing up his campsite. She attacked him but Ethan dodged her and ran. They fought but in the end, she tackled him to the ground. She grabbed some rope and tied his hands together. "Your coming with me and you will change him back. And if you try to run, I'll kill you myself." She threatened as she held a knife to his throat. She dragged him and his bags back to her campsite. She dropped him in front of Rupert. "Fix him now. And maybe you get to live." She threatened him. Ethan nodded and began setting up the spell. Buffy untied his hands and he proceeded with the spell that took about an hour. After the spell was completed, Ethan was sitting cross-legged on the ground with remnants of the spell that he had just completed in front of him. Rupert changed back to normal and went to get some clean clothes. Buffy picked up Ethan and tied him up against a tree. Rupert came out of the tent in a T-shirt and jeans. Buffy immediately ran over and hugged him. "You okay?" Buffy asked him. Rupert looked at her sheepishly. "Oh, um, uh, embarrassed, mostly." He said as he faced her. "Uh, how do you always see that it is me?" Rupert asked her. "It was your eyes. They're so green but there's this really pretty spot of brown in them." She added smiling softly. He chuckled, though his heart thumped a bit faster at her choice of words. "You think they're pretty huh?" He quipped. Buffy blushed heavily looking at him. Rupert didn't think she could look more adorable if she tried. "Yeah, uh, well..." She stammered. "Buffy, I'm teasing you." He replied looking at his slayer. "I'm flattered that you even noticed that." He added smiling. They stared into one other's eyes, spending the next seconds sharing a warm, heartfelt and touching moment. "Is this gonna go on much longer? I'd rather like to be going." Ethan asked them, Buffy pulled away from Rupert and looked over at the tree Ethan was tied too. "Why the hell would I let you go?" Buffy exclaimed. "After everything that you have done to us!" She added. "Well, maybe because you have no choice. What's a Slayer going to do with me?" He said smugly. "I can do alot of things to you. Maybe like torture." Buffy said as she went over and smacked him across the face. She pulled out a knife and ran his across his cheek leaving a slice mark. Wesley looked over at Rupert, concerned. "I'm not gonna stop her. He did this to himself." Rupert said looking at Wesley. He then turned a blind eye to the torture. Buffy sliced Ethan's shirt off with her knife. Then she began carving the word 'Evil' onto his chest. He was screaming and begging for mercy. She showed him none. She then carved the word 'Deceitful' underneath it. She took a step back and admires her handiwork. "Beautiful." She said smirking as she left him and went to wash up the blood on her she went to the pond and cleaned off her knife and hands. Wesley went to his tent and made a phone call to the council and explained their predicament of handling Ethan Rayne. They said that they will send someone to collect him and he will receive judgement by the council. Wesley hung up and just smirked at Rupert. When she finished, Wesley looked at him. "Well by the authority of the Watcher's Council you are to receive judgement by the council." Wesley said as he handcuffed him and a van arrived and took him into custody. "They'll, uh, take Mr. Rayne to a detention center in England." Wesley explained to them, Buffy nodded gently. "I hope they do little experiments and torture him." Buffy said as she looked over at Rupert. "Like you did?" Wesley asked her. She nodded gently. She went to their campsite. Rupert made breakfast, eggs, french toast, and sausage. Wesley and Buffy joined him and the three of them all ate breakfast together. Rupert and Wesley grabbed books and began reading, Buffy laid her head down in Rupert's lap. Rupert covered her up with a blanket as she closed her eyes gently. He unconsciously began to run his fingers through her hair. It looked like they have done this a million times before. Buffy had almost immediately fell asleep in his lap. He smiled at the sleeping girl as he continued reading. Soon, Rupert's watch beeped indicating that their training time had come. Buffy woke up to Rupert's alarm and groaned softly as she looked up at him. "Training time, Giles?" She asked softly, yawning. He nodded as he looked down at her. She yawned as she got up and helped him set up the equipment they would be using.

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