Drunk on the Radio

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Rupert Giles woke up late the next morning with a massive hangover, finding another bottle of empty scotch next to him on the new pull out bed. But what he wasn't expecting that when he came downstairs to the people he was closest to sitting in the living room. "Hey, everyone, what brings you all by this early in the morning?" He asked the Scooby Gang, his voice was completely shot and he had a gig tonight at the Expresso Pump. He stood before them in just a robe. "Hey, Giles. Do you remember what you did last night?" Buffy asked him. "We got so wasted but I remember most of it." Buffy added as she went into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. He was ashamed to say that he didn't. "No, what happened?" Rupert asked fearing the worst. "Well, um... You were on the radio in a way. Xander, show him." Willow said softly. Xander pulled out a recording of last night's radio segment. "Hello Caller, What is your dirty little secret?" The Radio announcer asked. "Well, I'm in love with a beautiful, blonde young woman but she will never feel the same. She is young enough to be my daughter yet I love her. But she just sees me as a father figure." Rupert said on the recording. "Oh, that's so sad. Tell me, what is the name of this lucky woman?" The announcer asked. "Her name is Buffy Summers." Rupert said on the tape and he went wide eyed and turned beet red. Buffy had dropped the mug she had been holding. It completely shattered on contact with the floor. 'He loves me. Rupert is inlove with me!' She thought to herself as she looked at him. "Well this one is for you, Buffy from your darling, Ripper." The announcer said as he played the song 'Behind Blue Eyes' written by Limp Bizkit. "Excuse me while I go die." He said, his voice hoarse and rough. Buffy watched from her place as he went back upstairs to his bedroom. Buffy sank to the kitchen floor with the shards of the broken mug. "Buffy, are you okay?" Willow and Xander asked going over to her. She was shaken out of her daze and looked at them. "Oh, I'm fine, but I broke Giles' cup." She said as she looked at them. They helped her pick up the pieces and throw them away. Then all if the sudden the kettle whistled. She shut off the stove and began making the tea for Rupert. She picked up the phone and called the Expresso Pump. "Hey, it's Buffy calling in sick for Rupert Giles. His voice is completely shot and he won't be able to preform tonight but he will be there next week." She said as she looked at the gang. "Yes, that is completely understandable, tell him that we hope he feels better soon and can't wait to see him next week." The person on the other end said. "Yes, of course. Bye Bye." She said as she hung up, and made him a cup of tea with honey for his voice. Buffy grabbed the tea set, Advil and went upstairs. She gently knocked on his bedroom door. "Who is it?" He asked. "It's me, Giles and I brought tea." Buffy said, looking at the door while holding a tea tray with some sandwiches and some Advil. He went over and opened it, allowing her in as he went to his bed to begin his moping. "Nope, none of that." She said as she went over to him. "I called the Expresso Pump and they hope you feel better and will see you next week." She said looking at him. He looked at her, confused but grateful. "Thank you." He said softly. "Always, and I'm sorry for breaking your mug." She said as she looked at the floor. He lifted her chin up with his thumb and fore finger making her face him. "You needn't worry about something so trivial. I can always get another." He reassured his sweet slayer. "Thank you, Giles. Now you just need to rest that throat of yours. I brought some tea with honey in it for your throat and Advil for your hangover." She said as she provided him with both. He smiled at her softly. "Thank you for doing this." He said as he took the pills and drank to the tea to wash them down. She grabbed a few books and placed them on the nightstand. She then covered him up and tucked him in.

"Always, I will be downstairs if you need me, call if you need anything?" Buffy asked as she looked at him. "Of course but what should I need?" Rupert asked in return, mildly amused. Buffy looked at him shocked before smiling. "A friend to talk to or pull you back from the edge, company, more books, food or drinks. I don't know." She said blushing gently. "Who pulls you back?" He asked her gently. "What do you mean?" Buffy asked as she looked at him. "From the edge." He replied and she smiled at him sadly. "You don't know?" She asked him, he shook his head to the side. "Well, its you well you and Dawn. But it's mostly always been you." Buffy told him softly. She went on at his startled expression. "More times than you'll ever know." She whispered. "I wanted to tell you that.... that I am in... inlove you, Ru-Ru-Rupert G-Giles. F-For me, it w-was love at first s-sight but then I f-found that you w-were my W-wa- watcher and the lib-librarian wh-which made every-everything so m-much more com-complicated. But I al-always knew in my h-heart that I loved you, I ha-have just sp-spent the last few ye-years ig-ign-ignoring it be-because of every-everything that has been hap-happening around us. But I know that you don't feel that way that I do." She stuttered heavily, clearly nervous as heat rose in her cheeks. "Buffy, I.." Rupert started but Buffy raised her eyes to his blushing face. "I love you too, Buffy. I always have." He said as he pulled her close and kissed her deeply and passionately. Rupert gently ended the kiss, reluctantly pulling his mouth away. She groaned as he pulled away feeling the loss of his lips. Buffy climbed into the bed next to him and gently laid her head down onto his shoulder. "Hey Giles, what are we, now?" She asked him curiously. "What do you want us to be?" He asked as he looked at her with a soft smile. "A married couple." Buffy said looking up at him. The unfiltered shock on Rupert Giles' face was priceless. "I m-mean not r-ri-right aw-away but one day. We c-co-could st-start off by d-da-dating." She stuttered out looking at him. "That sounds wonderful, perhaps tomorrow night, I have the perfect place in mind?" Rupert asked her. "Of course, at 8?" She asked looking at him. "Of course." He said as he took her hand and brought it up to his lips kissing it gently. Xander, Willow, Dawn, Anya, and Tara entered her bedroom and sat down in various spots. "I'm going to use the bathroom." Buffy said as she got up and went into the hallway restroom. "So G-man, what's the deal with you and Buffy?" Xander asked him. Buffy washed her face and straightened out her hair before putting it up in a messy bun. "Don't call me that. And I am taking her out tomorrow night on a date." Rupert told them blushing embarrassedly. "A date, you know like a couple?" Willow said happily. "It's about time! Xander pay up." She exclaimed holding out her hand. Xander sighed and handed her a hundred from his wallet. "What was that all about?" Anya asked looking at the pair. "Well, I bet her $100 that they would never confess their feelings to one another in this lifetime." Xander explained to the rest of the group. "Where are you going to take her?" Willow asked him. "I have a few ideas. Maybe a candlelight picnic in the moonlight and a beautiful view of Sunnydale." He whispered to Willow. "That sounds so romantic, Giles. She is going to love it." Willow said happily looking at him. She then whispered it to Tara who looked at him. "Awwww, who knew that Mr. Giles was such a secret romantic." Tara said as she looked at Rupert then at Willow. Buffy the left the restroom and rejoined them in Rupert's bedroom.

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