The Adventure Never Ends

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They hung out until sunset came then Xander and Buffy gathered up weapons and supplies before they went out to patrol. Xander and Buffy were patrolling through Riverside Cemetery when they were attacked by a tall demon with gray scales and large cat like claws. There was also a badly dressed vampire. Buffy fought with the demon whereas Xander fought the vampire. The demon was able to slash Buffy with it's claws a few times before she decapitated the demon with a sword. The body dropped and disappeared as Buffy ran over to help Xander with his vampire. She fought then dusted the vampire. "Xander, you good?" She asked him. "Yeah, thanks for the help but I could have gotten that." Xander said smiling at him. "Of course you could have." She said as she dropped to her knees. "Buffy, oh God." Xander said as he ran to her and examined her injuries. "We need to get you to the hospital." Xander said as he picked her up. "No!" She exclaimed. "Take me to Giles!" She demanded. He nodded and put her into the car and drove her to Rupert's apartment. Buffy soon passed out in the car and began having a nightmare, she thrashed around a bit calling for Willow and Xander. Then she began screaming for Rupert. He woke her up and almost got hit. He dodge her first just in time. He continued driving and pulled into the driveway of Rupert's apartment building. He got out, picked Buffy up and carried her to the door. He then proceeded to knock on the door loudly. Rupert Giles had woken up to the loud banging on his front door. He looked over and groaned as he saw the time. He rolled out of bed, threw on his robe and went downstairs. Rupert looked at them for a second, he found an injured Buffy wrapped around Xander. "What happened?" He asked curiously when he noticed that Buffy wasn't moving. Xander took Buffy upstairs as Rupert went to fetch what he would need. "One demon and a vampire jumped us in the cemetery while out on patrol." He said as he gently laid her down on the bed. Rupert came into the bedroom with towels, a basin of water and a first aid kit. "Why didn't you take her to the Emergency Room?" He scolded him. "She told me to bring her here, that she needed you. I'm not about to argue with her." Xander told him. He watched, shocked, as the older man simply ripped her blouse from bottom to top. Rupert then gently and thoroughly cleaned the slashes across Buffy stomach and chest. He took a pair of scissors and cut the already destroyed bra away. He gently placed one of the towels across her breasts. He stitched up the worst of the gashes and bandaged her up. He gently pulled her into a sitting position as he removed the rest of the ruined clothing from her. "Would you get one of my shirts from the wardrobe?" He asked him. Xander immediately did what he was told and handed Rupert the shirt. Rupert gently and carefully put the shirt on Buffy, laid her back down and buttoned it. He pulled the covers over her and gestured him to come downstairs. Xander helped him picked up some of the discarded supplies, much to Rupert's surprise. Once everything had been put away, Rupert joined Xander with a cup of tea in his hand. He then faced Xander who was sitting on the couch. "Tell me again what happened." He demanded. "I don't know but we were doing okay then a demon and vampire came and attacked us. Buffy took care of the demon and came over to help me with the vamp that attacked me." He looked a bit dazed. "Buffy is very determined on things like that." Rupert said chuckling gently with a slight smile. Xander looked at him and nodded. "Very. She made sure that I was all right and then... She just kinda fell to the ground." He said worriedly. "Could you describe the demon?" Rupert asked the younger man. "Two and a half meters tall, gray, scales and large cat like claws." He said looking at him. "Giles, did you know that she has been having nightmares? She won't tell me about them. She barely talks about them to Willow." He said as he met Rupert's green eyes. "Yes, I am aware that it is happening. It happened twice on our trip." Rupert admitted worried. "It's always you, that she calls for, ya know." Xander explained. "Willow told me about it when it first started happening after she died. It really threw me at first, the thought of one of my best friends thrashing about on her bed, calling out people's names. Willow, her mom, Dawn, Tara, Angel, Cordelia, me and sometimes even Jenny." Xander admitted as he looked at him. Rupert's eyes jerked up, pain could be seen in them. "But it just happened and I noticed that whenever she's calling for help, it's always you, Giles or well Rupert." He said looking at the watcher "I-I don't understand." Rupert said, still confused. A soft cry came from upstairs. "Rupert!" Buffy had yelled. He looked at Xander as he stood and went upstairs. "Yes, Buffy?" Giles said as he reached the bed. Buffy looked down at the green shirt. "Why did you put your shirt on me?" She asked him. "Because you love it and it suits you." He told her. "And well, you told me never to wear it again." Rupert said with a small smile. She smiled and giggled gently. "Yes it is my shirt now. It smells like you, makes me feel safe." She said softly. "Why didn't you let Xander take you to the Emergency Room?" Rupert asked her gently. Buffy just looked at him oddly. "You always take care of my injuries. Did we bother you?" She asked him curiously. Rupert immediately shook his head. "No, of course not." He said. "Then what is it, Rupert?" Buffy asked him curiously. "Nothing." He assured her. "Xander's downstairs, would you like me to send him up?" She shook her head gently. "No, I think that I need a little more rest before Xander starts hounding me with questions." She said smiling softly. "Am I going to be okay? No demon aspect thing is coming to get me right?" She asked him curiously. Rupert smiled a bit at that. "You shouldn't go back out tonight, but you'll be fine." He said as he turned. "Rupert." Buffy's voice stopped him. "Thanks. I knew I could count on you." She said softly. "Always." Giles said, turning around and walking downstairs. "She just wanted to get some rest." Rupert told him as he looked at the boy. "See, it's always you." Xander said. "Could me and the guys spend the night?" Xander asked him. "Of course. I see no problem with that. The girls can stay upstairs in my bedroom with Buffy and the boys can sleep down here." He said as Xander nodded. He went over, grabbed the phone and called Willow, Anya and Tara to come over. He told Willow about her nightmare and thought it would be best if she was here just in case that she needed her. She agreed and within minutes, they were all set up in Rupert's bedroom next to Buffy. Willow, Dawn and Tara came over and sat in front of her. "You should definitely have Giles sing for you, Buffy. He is amazing and very talented. I heard that he will be performing at the Expresso Pump tomorrow night." Willow whispered, looking over at her. "Definitely, tomorrow night then?" Dawn said looking at them. They nodded as they ceased whispering as Rupert came back into the room. "That was strange, what were you girls talking about?" Xander asked them curiously. "Girl stuff." She said looking at them. He handed her the cup of tea. She ate a few of Willow's cookies before she smiled happily as she sipped her tea. She couldn't stop thinking about Rupert singing. He had a sexy speaking voice so it made sense he would sound very sexy while singing. But after them hearing him sing once they became such groupies. "Buffy, are you inlove with Giles?" Willow asked her best friend. "Yes, I am Willow and I have no idea what I'm going to do about it." She admitted looking at her friend. "How long have you known that you love him?" Willow asked. "Well, since our sophomore year. At first he was ew but as we grew closer he became the strong but nerdy and in my opinion very cute, handsome librarian/watcher whom always loved to wear layers of tweed. And I honestly don't know how he survived so long in all those layers with the California heat. Anyways the school year went on, I found myself drawn to me and we became very close. I learned about how kind and smart he was. Whenever I saw him he always had his nose in a book and he was so adorable and not to even mention the fat that he has never turned me away. He always made time to help me with all of my problems, Willow." She admitted to her sober friend. "I fell in love with him the moment I saw him but I just pushed it down and ignored it. Then Angel came into the picture and everything changed." She admitted to her. "Well Buffy, you have a chance now to tell him how you feel, but I would probably wait until you are at least a bit sober than you are now." Willow said as they got to her house. Willow walked her up the steps and into the house. She then helped her upstairs and into her room. She and Dawn helped her get dressed for bed and tucked her in for the night. She cuddled with Mr.Gordo as she fell asleep for the rest of the night.

Later the next night, The entire Scooby gang walked into the Expresso Pump and saw Rupert in the coffee bar, playing a guitar. He was wearing casual clothes and has an earring in his left ear. Lots of people were sitting at the tables, watching and listening to him Buffy walked in with Xander, Willow, Tara and Anya, the four grabbed a table in the front. "This next song is dedicated to the lady I love." Rupert said as he looked at them. "I'll be your lady, love." One of the girls in the front row shouted causing Rupert to blush and Buffy began to fume. "Thank you for the offer kind madam but no, thanks." He said as he looked at her. Buffy blushed heavily as she looked at her friends. He looked down and began playing 'Behind Blue Eyes' by Limp Bizkit on the guitar. "No one knows what it's like to be the bad man To be the sad man. Behind blue eyes No one knows what it's like to be hated. To be fated to telling only lies." Rupert sang as he played the chords on the guitar. "But my dreams, they are as empty, as my conscience." Rupert sang, looking up noticing that Buffy and everyone was watching him. He blushed gently as he looked at them embarrassed before he kept singing. Buffy walked up to him, sitting in small corner stage. She was wearing a long black dress, with red lace on it. "Seems to be... I have hours, only lonely, my love is vengeance, that's never free. No one knows what it's like, to feel these feelings, like I do and I blame you." He sang as she gave him a look that said 'Can I sing too, Giles?' unable to resist he nodded. She smiled as she continued the song. "No one bites back as hard on their anger. None of my pain and woe can show through. But my dreams, they aren't as empty as my conscience seems to be-ee. I have hour only lonely, my love is vengeance. That's never free-ee." Buffy sang as she looked up at Rupert happily. She watched as she played the guitar to their song. She smiled happy as she continued. "When my fist clenches, crack it open, before I use it and lose my cool. When I smile, tell me some bad news, before I laugh and act like a fool." She sang out as she placed her hand onto his knee. "If I swallow anything evil, put your finger down my throat. If I shiver, give me a blanket. Keep me warm, let me wear your coat." Buffy continued to sing as he played the guitar. He looked at her and she nodded her head gently. "No one knows what it's like to be the bad man. To be the sad man, behind blue eyes." They sang together as he ended the song. She giggled as she leaned up and kissed him gently on the lips. "So this is why, you didn't want us to come to the Expresso Pump?" She whispered into his ear. "Well, yes, it is quite embarrassing and I didn't know you were so interested in the life of a musician, Buffy." He said looking at his slayer. "Well, you know that I love you and your taste in music. Besides you were singing our song." She said looking at him. "We have a song?" He asked her. "This is the first song we ever danced too." Buffy said looking at him. He smiled as he hugged her and held her close. 

Once his set was finished they decided to go to the Bronze. Buffy and everyone walked into the club. "You look beautiful tonight by the way, Buffy." Rupert said looking at him. "Thank you, Rupert to be completely honest, you look dashingly handsome as always." She said softly as they stared at one another. A slow but very romantic song began playing. "You are dancing with me, no arguments." She said as an popular upbeat song came on, Buffy unbuttoned her jacket, opens it before taking it off and drops jacket to the floor. Buffy then grabbed Rupert's hand and dragged him over to the dance floor with Willow and Tara. "She always did love to dance." Dawn said as she looked at them. Buffy went over and pulled him gently in to her arms and he placed his hands onto her hers before they lifted them over her head and brought them down her their side. "The way that those two move so in sync with one another is majestic and beautiful." A boy at the table next to Willow said Rupert pulled Buffy into his arms and danced with her. "The amount of trust that those two have in each other is astounding." The boy that was sitting next to them said. "Well, they have know each other for five years so it's to be expected. They do everything together." Willow said looking at him. "Do you know them?" The boy asked as Rupert grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into his arms. She smiled as she wrapped her arms around Rupert's neck. "Yes, they are my apart of my family." Willow replied as Rupert smirked as Buffy wrapped her legs around his waist. He smirked gently as he supported her back. She then flipped over wrapping her arms around his sides pulling herself between his legs and laying on the ground. He stepped over her and pulled her up to her feet. She smiled happily as he lifted her up and tossed her into the air before catching her in his arms. She got to his feet as he pushed her away gently then twirled her around in a circle around him. He then pulled her back into his arms and lifted her up in the air. She looked at him as he threw her gently into the air. She spun a little before she landed back into his arms. Rupert dipped her gently for the last time before he helped her to her feet as the song ended. The two began drinking and having fun in each others company. Everyone around them knew that they were obviously inlove with another.  Willow pulled Buffy away and took her home, tucking her into bed. Xander then took Rupert home and tucked him into bed.

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