Chapter One

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Scoops Ahoy was hiring.
Finally, Starcourt Mall was open and everyone was talking about it. The new shopping mall with everything you ever needed. Y/n had seen several jobs advertised in the local newspaper she picked up on her drive to Hawkins from California.

Although out of them all, an ice cream parlor seemed fitting for summer, even if it was peak time of the year. She'd spent her whole life in one place and it came as a sudden surprise that things were suddenly changing. Everything was changing. She'd graduated High School, her parents divorced and now she'd be starting a new job in a new town. Hawkins, Indiana. All in one year.

The alarm clock sounded and with a groan, y/n reluctantly rolled out of bed and stumbled toward the stacked cardboard boxes across her room. Y/n and her dad only arrived last week, into a dim house that desperately needed repairs. That was another thing she had to deal with as her dad seemed too busy at work or shut in his office to keep up with anything else. Never mind a new job and the fact she had hardly had any time to unpack yet.

She rummaged around to find her brand-new Scoops Ahoy uniform that she dreaded wearing. It was a vibrant blue with a red and white sailor collar that made her cringe at the sight of it. The only thing y/n knew about the job was that it paid and that's all that mattered, moving wasn't cheap and she wanted to have her own money instead of relying on her dad. Although a part of her was glad that she'd be working alongside some people her age too.

Y/n used the last of her saved money, earned from occasional babysitting back in California, to buy an old car that barely started. However, it worked and she couldn't afford anything fancy. Hollering a quick goodbye to her dad, who was getting ready for work himself, she ran through the small empty house and out the door.

Starcourt Mall was an overwhelming place, with bright lights and obnoxiously coloured signs. A variety of people surrounded each floor, from children screaming and adults in workout gear, it was very busy. Especially since nothing this exciting seemed to have happened in Hawkins since the opening of the mall, she'd never even heard of the mundane town until her ex-boyfriend moved there last summer.

Y/n didn't exactly have the healthiest relationship with him, in fact, it was quite the opposite. Maybe she should have known better than to the date school's favorite jock and resident playboy - Billy Hargrove.

They had some good months together, getting in trouble and ending up in detention but that feeling never lasted. Life in California got considerably worse as weeks went by, Billy grew more and more possessive and all she could do was watch and let it happen. Sure, y/n tried to talk to him about the jealousy and anger issues but that just led to an argument or worse - she quickly learned to remain silent.

Until she found out that after a year of dating, Billy was having casual hook-ups the whole time whilst she could barely talk to another boy without him arriving at school battered and bruised the next day. Long story short, she worked up the courage to break up with him and Billy moved to Hawkins soon after. Now, a year passed and she hadn't seen him since.

The baby blue 'Scoops Ahoy ice cream parlor' sign appeared as y/n rounded the corner toward it. She could already see a line of waiting customers as she anxiously approached in her own work uniform and a battered backpack slung upon one shoulder. A girl with shoulder-length caramel brown hair and the same blue sailor uniform was already working behind the counter, frantically scooping different flavors from the display once the customer had paid.

"Hey-" Y/n tried her best to sound enthusiastic, she glanced down at the girl's name badge "-Robin, I'm here for my first shift?"

"Oh, hi" she turned around with an ice-cream cone in hand, Robin gave y/n a friendly but worn-out smile "perfect timing, I could really use a hand here and Steve said he's too busy cleaning the back room" she rolled her eyes dramatically before scooping another flavor of ice cream and handing it to a patient customer, giving them her best have a nice day look.

Y/n instantly liked Robin's relatable charm as she continued "the break room is just behind, dump your stuff and I'll show you what to do"

The door swung inwards as y/n pushed it open to reveal the back room lined with several metal shelves full of storage items. The door flapped closed behind her as she stepped into the white room and y/n noticed someone was lazily sitting at the table before her.

"Robin, I said I'm busy!" He called out, not bothering to turn around in his chair. Y/n realized this must be Steve that Robin had mentioned just moments before.

"Sorry, not Robin" y/n spoke up, he whipped around in surprise and quickly adjusted his fluffy dark brown hair. Steve stared for a second before shaking himself into reality and y/n tried not to flush crimson as she realized just how striking he was. With a dorky smile, chiseled jaw, and brown eyes. Fuck.
Here's the first (of many) chapters to come :)
Also if you find any grammar/spelling mistakes then please let me know,
Anyways I'm very excited to start this book and I want to say a huge thank you for reading - it means a lot <3

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