01 | old beginnings

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Esmeralda sighs as she glances around her old apartment

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Esmeralda sighs as she glances around her old apartment. The mostly dark, plain walls and the leathered black furniture are very much her style, but it all felt too big for her, feeling as though she is going to be sucked in by some wormhole in another universe. She figures it was her nerves that are trying to choke her as she will be starting her first day at the BAU again.

Returning from New York, after the incident, was far from perfect. The speedy recovery wasn't as speedy as she would have liked despite her ability to heal herself, especially with being in the Medical Wing where Iron Man was keeping an eye on her to make sure she wasn't getting herself into trouble. It felt excruciating to be on bed rest for almost two months, and technically she wasn't supposed to go back to any type of work for another week or so, but when she got a call from the Section Chief telling her that her position could be hers again, Esmeralda couldn't rest any longer.

Esmeralda is going back to the Behavioral Analysis Unit.

There is a lot of history for her and the BAU. It wouldn't be her first time working at the BAU as she used to be a profiler with the rest of the team before she disappeared two years ago. She used to be close with everyone on the team, but that was two years ago. Everything was different now. She is different now.

She took a glance at the clock to make sure she wasn't late before looking at herself in the mirror.

Steadying her breathing, her brown orbs watched as the glowing emerald veins on her neck slowly disappeared with the skin on her neck becoming normal. She dreadfully threw on a random, dark purple turtleneck with a pair of black, loose dress pants. Her being the same height as a sophomore girl in high school, she threw on high-heeled boots that blended in with her dress pants. For extra precaution, she tied her wavy, brown hair into a low bun, resting on the side of her neck that had the glowing, emerald vein.

The sounds of soft yawns from behind her startled her, causing the young agent to swiftly draw her gun and turn behind her. Only for her precious pit bull to be walking behind her with her tail wagging excitedly at the sight of her owner.

"Oh, Bella," Esmeralda smiled in relief as she crouched down to the pet, petting the top of the brown and white dog's head. "I am sorry, baby. I am still getting used to it just being you and me."

All the precious pit bull could do was wag her tail and plant a kiss on the side of Esmeralda's face.

"I promise that I will be right back, okay?" Esmeralda spoke as she took a glance at her clock again. Calculating in her mind how much time she had to go down to the parking lot, heat the car, drive to the headquarters to meet with the Section Chief, Esmeralda would have a minute or two left before she would have to leave if she wanted to get to the BAU on time.

A part of her didn't want to go back as much as she argued with Tony to let her leave the old Avengers Tower to move back to Virginia. The anxiety of going back to the work that she abruptly left was creeping up her spine, poking her. A part of her knew that she should have rested for a little longer like Tony suggested, but she wasn't going back now because if she did she would never hear the end of it from Tony.

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