A Trail Uncharted

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Planet Drotonia

Town of Eldervale

West Haven Ranch

The bright sun shines like a glowing orb in the blue sky as small clouds dotted the sky. It seemed like a painting came to life, which is what a young woman thought as she painted it onto a canvas with a small hum and a smile. She could hear her friends' laughter behind her, she couldn't help but smile and shake her head a bit. Kaiya set her brush down and closed her eyes as she listened to the sounds of nature around her.

The gentle breeze brushed against her softly tanned tone skin, her wavy shoulder-length auburn hair danced in the breeze. She could hear the horses neighing and trotting around in the pasture nearby, the birds chirping a sweet song. Even with the war raging on throughout the galaxy, it was peaceful on Drotonia. Kaiya was grateful that her home had not been found yet by the Covenant. She felt safe in her corner of the universe.

"Kaiya! Lunch is almost ready!" one of her friends, Cole, called out from the barbecue. He had been grilling hamburgers. Cole is a Hispanic young man with curly black hair and green eyes who wore a simple black shirt, denim jeans, and worn-out cowboy boots. The scent of the warm and delicious food made her stomach growl.

"I'm coming! Better save me some burgers or else!" She replied back as she packed up her painting supplies and walked over to the large house. She dusted off her red and black featherweight plaid long sleeve shirt that had a blank tank top underneath, worn-out denim jeans, black boots, and wore a dark brown cowboy hat with a large colorful feather. She had her plaid shirt open and the ends tied in a snug knot while her sleeves were rolled up.

On the porch was Megan, who was fiddling with her drone while Ford was tightening the strings of his guitar.

Megan had short straight brown hair that had been cut to a bob cut with green eyes and pale skin. She wears a regular blue t-shirt with an eagle on it, denim jeans, and boots. While Ford was African-American with his black hair tied back into a ponytail. His brown eyes fixed on his guitar. He wore a green paisley buttoned shirt that was neatly tucked into his torn denim jeans and dark brown boots.

Eldervale was a town that had taken inspiration from the Old Western days when it was first settled. There were several large farms surrounding the outskirts of the town that produced food for the UNSC. There wasn't much technology, mainly for a better quality of life. Horseback riding was one of the main methods of travel besides the occasional vehicle that some owned along with the UNSC base that was stationed on the planet.

Kaiya and her small group of friends had taken some time off from their studies at the UNSC Academy on Reach and returned to Drotonia for R&R. While her folks were off-world for some business, she and her friends took care of the farm and ranch.

Once her paint supplies were set inside the house, Kaiya walked over to the picnic table that had been set up with buns and ingredients for lunch. Cole turned off the flame before he scooped the burgers onto a tray and brought them to the table.

"Come on, lunch is served!" Cole called out to the other two. Ford set down his guitar as Megan huffed and set her drone down before they went over. The four of them made their burgers and sat down together.

"Ah! This is life! A juicy burger with friends in the countryside!" Ford chuckled a bit before he took a bite.

"I agree. I prefer country life more than living in the city, with no crazy noises, crowds, etc. I think after I graduate I might just come back home and work on the farm. I miss horseback riding. Get back into HorseBack Archery." Kaiya said. Megan took a bite and shrugged as she chewed.

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