To The Stars

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Aboard the main flagship of The Fleet of Particular Justice, Seeker of Truth, Kaiya had been escorted to the Medical Bay for treatment and examination. But mainly for examination and to be interrogated. She had been strapped down onto a slanted table within a quarantine cell. While she was being poked and prodded, her eyes slowly took in her new surroundings.

Just like the rest of the ship, the walls were a dark shade of purple. The ceiling was three meters high, making Kaiya feel even smaller than she was already. Just with a glance, people could tell the room she was in was like any other medical bay, besides the alien tools and for some reason a bit smaller than the average Medical Bay onboard human ships. The walls are smooth with small lighting. She had read reports that being inside a Covenant ship made you feel primitive. Well, the reports were right. All the tech was so much more advanced than the humans. Whatever they gave her, caused all her aches to disappear.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a snarl of the Elite that was interrogating her while another one was poking and prodding her, taking skin samples along with blood. She felt like a lab rat.

"Tell us why you were the only one to activate the Sacred Artifact! Your human friends touched it and nothing happened to them, so why you?" He asked firmly. Kaiya only glared at him.

"Oh, I don't know! I thought you knew because it's obvious now that you and your buddies were stalking us!" She replied. She struggled a bit with the energy bonds that kept her strapped down. "I'm not saying anything else..." She huffed.

On the bridge, Thel 'Vadamee had been watching the interrogation from his monitor. As he listened, he began to drift to his thoughts on what he had witnessed when he had followed Kaiya and her friends into the temple. He scratched one of his mandibles thoughtfully. He was curious as to why her hazel eyes had changed dramatically after interacting with the Artifact just once and her pleading to make the screaming stop.

What made this one human female special enough to activate an Artifact from their Gods? These questions danced around in his head as he turned his gaze over to the Artifact that hovered in a special container. He clicked his mandibles for a moment then looked back to the screen of Kaiya.

"Hmm..." Thel 'Vadamee hummed to himself.


Thundering hooves could be heard as Ford, Cole, and Megan rode as fast as they could to Eldervale. People quickly moved out of the way of the three. Some yelled at them to slow down as they raced to the UNSC Outpost at the edge of town. Once there they quickly dismounted their horses, tied their reins onto a pull, and rushed inside. The man at the front looked up from his computer.

"Do you have the authorization to be here, civilians?" He asked in a calm but firm voice. Ford panted heavily as he leaned over the counter.

"P-Please you have to help! Our friend was taken! T-The Covenant was here! They took her!" Ford pleaded.

"Yeah! They attacked us at West Haven Ranch and kidnapped her! Well, more like she gave herself up, but still!" Cole added. Megan nodded.

"Yeah so get your ass on the phone and call for backup before they get away with her! Along with the Artifact they found!"

The man behind the computer stood up and raised his hands, making a gesture for them to calm down. "Easy folks! Easy! Now we know for a fact that there isn't any Covenant here. We would know about it by now if they were on the planet, but I will make a report to verify your claims of the Covenant landing on Drotonia." He said as he sat down to open a report. "You may leave now."

Ford's jaw dropped. "Verify our claims?! Kaiya is endangered! If you don't do something now, we may never see her again! Why on God's green Earth would we make that up?!" He said, hitting his fist on the counter, making the man jump a bit. He singled for some guards.

"Can you please escort these civilians back to their horses before they get into any trouble with us?" The man ordered. The guards nodded and began to usher the group out of the building. The three had no choice, but to leave the building and go back to their horses.

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