1: where pete and bo meet

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Bo Burnham was performing right now! On that stage! Pete had never been a huge fan of other comedians (they're the competition ofc), but Bo was absolutely incredible. He was doing some random bit about pringles. Of all things. Pringles.
Pete rolled his eyes to himself, a smile creeping onto his face. He was supposed to go on stage after Bo, and it seemed like there were butterflies filling his stomach, filling his throat and choking him. For a second he wondered if it was just anxiety, but he shoved that thought away. He had to be intensely focused, and he could NOT be distracted by the way Bo's smile made him feel like he was floating on clouds.
Pete laid back in the chair, waiting. He was sitting backstage, even though he had approximately half an hour until Bo's show was over, then intermission, then he was supposed to go on. The curtains sheltered him from the waiting eyes, and unknown to everyone, even himself, he secretly wanted to see Bo.
Bo stood up, thanking the crowd for coming. Waving, he walked off the stage passing right by where Pete was sitting, and threw himself onto a chair next to Pete. Bo flashed a giddy smile Pete's way, still running off the high that comes with performing.
Bo kept gazing at Pete and Pete seemed to notice so he started a conversation. "So how long have you been doing comedy?" Pete awkwardly asked, mustering up all the courage he could. "Few years on and off, but I've only started to gain traction recently," Bo laughed. "Guess the audience really likes the song stuff I've been doing' recently. What about you? You're up next, right? After the intermission?" Pete nodded "Mhm. I just started up, probably six months ago, so my reach is really tiny." He made a pinching motion with his fingers.
Silence overtook the two of them. Not exactly an awkward silence, but not a comfortable silence either. Something in the air was almost wired and heavy, only punctured by the jazz music coming from the stage.
"I gotta go up in a minute," Pete said. Slightly nervous, Bo asked "I don't know if it's weird to ask this, but- do you want to get together after your show? We can meet up, I know it's late, but I don't think either of us have eaten all day. Uh- we could get drinks- or something?" "Oh my god, yeah that would be amazing, holy crap." Pete said with an uncontrollable smile. "Sounds good then, I'll see you soon."
The music stopped, and Pete knew that was his cue to go on stage. He slowly got his grin under control, and walked onto the stage, bringing his water bottle and dragging a stool from behind him. The band was clearing their stuff out, and he mixed with them, using their bodies to hide his presence temporarily.

constructive criticism is welcome and all that. keep in mind this is mostly ironic and jus for laughs. 2 authors 💗

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