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Ava walked into the Armstrong's and the house was buzzing. There was music playing and people chatting in nearly every room down stairs.

She walked into the kitchen while running a hand nervously through her hair as she looked around for a member of her family in the crowded room.

"Hey." A familiar voice spoke as a hand brushed against her waist briefly.

"Marcus, hey." Ava replied as the F2 driver stood in front of her.

"You look great." He told her as he took in her appearance. Her simple yet gorgeous outfit, her light brown haired curled and her skin naturally glowing.

"Thanks, you too." Ava said with a smile as she looked at Marcus's outfit which consisted of a white shirt and black jeans. "Another one of Angelique Armstrong's famous New Years Eve party huh? Where is everyone?"

"Well our moms are in the living room talking to their friends. Our dads are over there." Marcus replied pointing across the room to a group of men. "And Moses and Leo are upstairs playing video games."

"And Paris?" Ava wondered the location of Marcus' younger sister.

"Follow me." Marcus gestured to the brown haired girl to follow him out towards the backyard.

The pair walked slowly and quietly around the corner where the swing seat was located in the back of the Armstrong's garden.

"Is that-?" Ava started.

"Shush." Marcus replied placing his hand over her mouth. "Ew did you just lick my hand?"

"Don't shush me." Ava told him before turning her gaze to the pair sitting on the swinging bench.

"You'll get us caught." Marcus spoke in a hushed voice.

"You shouldn't be spying on your sister. She's 19 Marcus. Now leave her alone." Ava said as she pushed the oldest Armstrong sibling back towards the main back garden away from his sister and the boy she was talking to.

"Well you are no fun." Marcus crossed his arms as they arrived at the back door.

"Hey, you'd hate it if it was the other way around and Paris was spying on you with a girl." The brown haired girl told him.

"Whatever." Marcus eventually replied having no other argument causing Ava to laugh.

"Come on you idiot. Let's get a drink." Ava said as she linked her arm through his and guided them inside.


The night went on and Ava realised she had spent most of it with Marcus. The pair stood in the corner of the Armstrong's kitchen talking about all the different people at the party.

"Did you see Paris come back in?" Marcus wondered looking around the room.

"Actually no." Ava shook her head in reply.

"Let's go see. She'll have frozen being outside for that long." Marcus said before the pair headed back outside to where Paris was earlier.

Find A Way // Marcus ArmstrongWhere stories live. Discover now