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Flash forward just two weeks and Marcus was packing to head back to England for training and sim work with Hitech for the season ahead.

James and Alice were also leaving as their vacations from work was over and they were due back in England.

And now Ava was sat in her bedroom in her bay window wondering what to do with her life.

The last 3 years of her life she spent at a nearby university studying business and English literature before graduating back in May and then she went to Europe travelling for the summer.

"Ugh." Ava sighed as she stood up before throwing herself on the bed.

"Ava. Marcus, James and Alice are here." Her mother's voice called from downstairs.

Great, Ava thought. Exactly what she needed to get herself out of a slum, seeing the people who were leaving.

Ava picked herself up and made her way downstairs to find her friends stood in the front hall of her house.

"Hey guys." Ava spoke on her way down the stairs.

"Ava. I'm gonna miss you." Alice exclaimed as she met Ava as she stepped of the last step.

"I'm gonna miss you too. It's been great seeing you for the last few weeks." Ava replied as she squeezed the girl tightly.

"What am I? Chopped liver?" James said with a sad look on his face.

"I'll miss you too James." Ava spoke with a smile as she moved over and hugged the insurance broker. "I hate that you guys are leaving."

"Why don't you come with?" Marcus wondered as James and Ava ended their hug.

"And do what? Sit on my ass in some London apartment because I have no job." Ava asked the F2 driver.

"You could so get a job. You're amazing and you have both a business and English literature degree. There is so many jobs in London. Then we could see each other all the time." Alice said excitedly.

"I'll see. I don't think I could just up and move to London with no plan." Ava spoke as she placed her hands into her sweatpants pocket.

"Well we're gonna say goodbye to your mum and dad." James commented before he and Alice left and headed into the kitchen leaving Marcus and Ava alone.

"It's not a bad idea ya know." Marcus told her.

"Easy for you to say, you've got a life in London with your team. I don't." Ava reminded the Armstrong boy.

"I know but I'd love to have you there. We all would. And Liam, Juri and Logan would all be there too. You could live with me until you get on your feet." Marcus offered.

Deep down he did miss Ava when he was away. The two had been friends since diapers and whenever they did meet up during race weekends Marcus loved showing her around the paddock and having her watch from the team's garage.

"I'll think about it. Anyway you guys leave in a few hours it's not like I can just drop everything and go with you." Ava replied as she crossed her arms before leaning against the wall.

The truth was she could drop everything if she really wanted. There was nothing holding her here except her family. She was finished school and had no job so moving would probably do her good.

"Honey, here." Her dad's voice spoke as he entered the hall with an envelope.

"Dad? What is it?" Ava asked as she stood up straight and opened the envelope. "Dad this is a place ticket. To London!"

"I knew you'd want to go with your friends. And I think you should. If it doesn't work out you can always come home but at least you can't say you didn't try." Henry said as he placed his hands on his daughter's face.

"Dad I don't know what to say." Ava told him as she continued to stare at the ticket.

"I do. Go pack now. We can ship anything you forget or need." Her mother spoke as she appeared in the hallway followed by James and Alice.

"Okay. Thank you both. I love you so much." Ava said before pulling her parents into a hug before running up the stairs followed by Alice.

"I'll help." Alice called out causing the others to laugh.


"I forgot how long that flight was." Ava stretched her whole body before getting into the Uber that was waiting to them outside the airport curtsey of James.

They left Christchurch at 3:30pm yesterday evening and arrived in London at 8:30am this morning.

They had a 6 hour lay over in Singapore so in total, the four were travelling for just over 30 hours.

James sat up front while Alice, Ava and Marcus sat in the back with the brown haired girl sat in the middle.

Within 5 minutes Ava was asleep with her head on Marcus's shoulder. The F2 driver barely has time to take in the feeling before he too was asleep with his head resting on Ava's head.

"James." Alice whisper-shouted to her boyfriend to turn around.

"Cute." James smiled before snapping a picture to use as blackmail in the future.

Marcus's apartment was the first stop. The two friends got out of the cab and handed their friends some cash and bided them goodbye.

Marcus carried both of their suitcases into the apartment block as Ava took the keys from his jacket pocket to open the door.

"Home away from sweet home." Marcus spoke as he dropped the suitcases inside the door as the pair removed their shoes.

Thankfully Ava knew Marcus had black out blinds in his apartment which meant they could sleep for a few hours even though it was daytime outside.

Ava wheeled her suitcase to the spare room where she was ready to drop into bed before she was faced with a predicament.

"Marcus." Ava called out into the hallway.

"What?" Marcus called back as he made his way down the hall. "Oh."

Marcus didn't always have guests staying in his two bedroom London apartment, which meant the bed wasn't always dressed. And right now was one of those times.

"You can just sleep in my bed." Marcus told the girl before turning to walk towards his own bedroom.

Ava was too tired to made a snarky comment about him trying to get her into bed so she followed him down the hallway where the pair fell into the thankfully made bed and slept


Okay so we all know Marcus and Lissie are together and if you don't I don't know where you've been living.

I don't know whether to just keep going with this story as normal or whether to work her into the story.

Let me know what you guys think x

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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