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Previously on the haunting hour...

"You must me the Fajer's?"said shirtless boy, but not so much anymore.
"Is something funny Andrew"Ms. Altman asks confused.
"More like Ironic, but whatever" he says dismissively before making obvious eye contact with me with a slight smirk and taught in his eyes.
"Hey here ya go" Andrew goes to hand me a plate and suddenly,
Red eyes

The plate slips through my fingers, I close my eyes preparing for the crash but it never came.
"Nice save, sorry just blanked out don't know what came over me" I nervous laugh while washing the dish.

. . .

*beep beep beep be-*
That is the best noise ever, the sound of my alarm clock not existing.
"Brooke Fajer you better be out of that bed so help me!", screams my lovely mother.
If only I could make that sound stop.
I get up eventually and get ready to be the "new girl" that everyone stares at like an alien.
As I walk down the stairs I hear the lovely voice of my brother that never complains and goes with the flow.
"School wasn't this early back in Fresno"
Yeah that was a dream that has yet to become a reality.
"Brent, honey I love you, but just because you have to wake up 30 minutes earlier than normal is not reason enough to pack our entire house we just unpacked", says my mother with an exhausted stare.
"Just saying, more sleep more brain activity—"
"No offense but you didn't have much of that to begin with Bren" I cut him off with a sickly sweet grin only to be returned with a glare.
"Well then I guess I don't have enough brain activity to drive you to school" he says grabbing his back walking toward the door.
"Wait wait I'm sorry", I jump on him back.
"Your be best brother ever!Could you please wait five minutes?" giving him my sweet angel face.
"I'm leaving in five" he says going to sit on the porch.
"Yes!" I jump up.
I run to the counter and grab a piece of toast shoving it in my mouth.
"Mom do you have gum???" I say rushing frantically.
"Yes sweetie it's in my purse"
"Thank-you, love you" I give her a kiss on the cheek
Just as I'm leaving my dad comes down the stairs.
"Bye Dad!"
"Bye honey" he kisses my head right before I walk out the door.
"You have 43 second B"my brother says looking at his watch.
"Oh please, you wouldn't leave me", rolling my eyes at him.
"Oh really?" He smirks as he starts to reverse.
"Wait Brent!!!" I run to the car and grab it.
He parks when I grab the car and I fall hearing my sweet sweet brother laughing at me.
I get up and dust myself off.
"Your so funny"
"Oh don't I know it, get in the car. Hey don't get dirt in my car." He fussed at me as I put my dirty high tops on his dashboard.
"Go on chaffer"
"Shut up" he says while reversing out of our drive way onto the busy street.

. . .
It was about a 20 minute drive from home to the high school. Which gave my brother plenty of time to complain even more.
"You know another reason why this town is so wrong for our family" he says.
"Wow another one, please tell I'm sure it's not repetitive or judgmental at all" I say sarcastically
"We have only one public high-school, only one and it's called Wahama High not New Haven high"
"I don't see your point Brent"
"We live in New Haven not Wahama" he says pointedly
"But the town the school is in mason county not Wahama county"
"Then why isn't it called Mason high" he smirks
"Well it's a good thing we don't live in Mason county otherwise you wouldn't have as much time to complain" I smirk back at him as he parks.
He pays me back by hitting the breaks unnecessarily hard make me jump.
"We're here get out, don't want you ruining my reputation before we even start" he says shooing me out.
" I love you too Brent, your the best big brother ever"
"Yeah yeah get out"
I jump out of his car and walk into the school, with only a population under 2000 I was surprised by the amount of kids. But that's probably only due to it being the only high school between four cities.I find my way to the office where the desk lady was.She seemed mid-age with her dark hair and wrinkles.
"Can I help you sweetie?" She asks to me quietly.
"Yes I'm Brooke Fajer, I'm new and I was wondering if my schedule was ready?"
"Ohhh your principal Fajers daughter" she says with her glasses falling down.
"Yeah that's my mom" I start moving my legs nervously.
"Well  yes I do have your schedule,  here you go honey" she says handing me my schedule
"Thankyou!" I turn around a look at my schedule 8:30-9:25             
Local History
Anatomy and Physiology
Advanced English 3
S1 Art
I make my way to the history classroom, which is full of juniors including Andrew.I'm sure he would invite me over if he wasn't too busy doing whatever the hell he was looking at his phone.So I sat down next to the blonde girl drawing some weird design.
She looks up at me, "Hey I'm Adeline, but you can call me Addi"she says looking up at me smiling.
"I'm Brooke"
"Yeah your the new girl right?" She asks
"That obvious?"
"Well yes but only because everyone knows everyone here, you'll learn" she says carrying on drawling.
All the chitter chatter comes to a stop at the slam of the door and the teacher walking up.
He starts writing on the board, 'Mr. Mitchell'
"Hello class I'm Mr. Mitchell your local history teacher. Now most of you are juniors but we have some sophomores in here. So i suggest to you juniors that you set a good example and not behave like a bunch of banshees. Now if you have any questions about the subject then you should read the syllabus that I'm passing out to you" He says giving us a stack of papers to pass around.
"Besides that open your notebooks and let's learn some history over our town, New Haven. Now all of you I trust have grown up with the same stories I did as a child. The stories of things lurking in the shadows. As interesting I'm sure you kids find that and want to learn about that, we're going to learn about real history. Now open up your books to chapter one and we can talk about the reading none of you did."
And from there we have class. Turns out I have Adeline in three of my classes and shockingly I have Andrew in all of my junior classes. After Anatomy and Physiology I went to lunch and I see my brother talking with a bunch of senior guys, cutting up. Since I hadn't got him back for this morning this is the perfect chance to get my revenge.
"Brent Brent Ohhh Brent" I skip over to him while he shakes his head no rapidly.
"I missed you so much big brother" I hug him despite his pleading for me to go away.
"Wow dude this is your sister?" One of his friends asks.
"Yes" "No" we both say at the same time.I glare at him.
"Do you know how many times I've tried to give you up for adoption and was told no"
"Yeah they didn't listen to me either" he retorts
"So you two are related?"the other friend says.
"I guess" my brother says sighing
"So what's it like living with Fajer over here"his blonde friend asks.
"It's like living in a locker room everyday" I tell them and they snicker.
"Haha she's hilarious. Brooke I think your friends may want you why don't you run along."he says pushing me in the furthest direction.
"What but I don't see them?"
"Just keep looking", he says giving me a final shove
Which is into some brunette guy.
"Usually I'm the one falling for pretty girls, not the other way around." He says
"Haha cute."I say gathering myself
"What's your name new girl?"
" I thought that was it, I think we have math together"
"Yeah we do"I say in reply
"Well now that I know your name I can ask you to come eat lunch with my friends", he says leading me to their table . There I see Adeline and Allen arguing about something while Andrew and these two other kids were in a deep conversation, while some other girl in my class had her head down.
"Oh hey Brooke" Adeline says which makes Adam and Andrew look up.
"Hey Adeline" I said sitting down at the table.
"Brooke I told you to call me Addi!" She says giving me a pointed look.
"Oh sorry" I said looking around at the table.
I was sitting next to the brunette boy and Adam who was sitting beside Altman and his dark haired friend. I was sitting across from Adeline and beside her was another girl from class whose name I think was Cora.
"Well y'all this is impolite, introduce yourselves to the poor girl" Adeline says gesturing towards them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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