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I jumped up taking my headphones out.
"Yes mom?" My Mom turned around .
"We're 15 minutes away honey .Do you mind waking up your brother?"she asked me sweetly.
"Sure mum"I smiled at her and then turned away towards my older brother.
He was snoring quietly with his headphones in.
"Brent"I kept on shaking him
I ripped his headphone out and he popped up.
"We're 15 minutes away ,wake up!" I rolled my eyes at him as he glared at me for waking him up.
"Well good morning sunshine"He said getting up and adjusted.
I popped my headphones back in.I wish we just stayed in Fresno.I grew up there and my whole family lived there.Fresno was a big town so I didn't have to talk to a lot of people,I could just blend in.I lived next to a big library and a nice park.But my Dad got a job promotion and it didn't help my cause when Mom got a new job as a principal at my new high school .
"Kids look, it's our new home!"Mom grinned from ear to the ear looking like the Cheshire Cat.
"Yay"I said sarcastically and my brother rolled his eyes at my moms statement.
"You two could at least act like your not totally miserable"my dad said getting out of the car.
"We're not ones to pretend pops"Brent said hopping out of the car .
I looked up from my iPod looking at my new house.
This is real.Its actually happening
I sighed helping pick up boxes and bring them into the house.
Once we got inside I looked around slightly disappointed.Slightly.
I couldn't even pretend to hate this house.It was beautiful and there are certainly worse houses to live in.
We all gathered in the kitchen.
"Okay listen you two.I know you did not want to move , you've both made it quite clear.But last time I checked your 17 and 16 not adults.So you can both get over yourselves and make the best out of this"my dad said
"What your father is trying to say is we understand that you miss Fresno ,we do too.But we have to make the right call for this family."my mom  tried to make it sound sweeter than Dad put it.
"But anyway let's get down to business.Brooke and Brent there are four  rooms upstairs ,two bathrooms and a bonus room.You can pick which ever one you want ,but if you two fight  over it we will pick one for you and you both will share a bathroom.Mine and your fathers room is down here."my mother explained
"So can we go pick our rooms or?" Brent asked
"Yes you mag go"As soon as she said that me and Brent raced up the stairs.I raced to what seemed like the biggest one.
"Hey I wanted this room!"Brent pouted
"Too bad big bro"I stuck my tongue out at him.He rolled his eyes and picked another one.
I sat the box down and looked around my new room.It was honestly way better than the one I had at my old house.It had a bay window and was huge.
I walked to the bay window and sat down looking out of it.It looked across to another window into my neighbors house.I was looking out the window until I jumped in surprise seeing a shirtless guy walking around.I kept staring at him trying to see his face until the most embarrassing thing happened.He turned around and looked at me.
Oh my gosh!!!!
I jumped down hiding behind the seat crawling out of my bedroom.I almost crawled into my brother who stopped and looked at me like I was mad.
"Why are you crawling around on the floor like a dog?"he said bewildered
"Umm I'm looking for my....button oh look I found it" I picked up a button laughing.
"You are one weird little girl"he said walking away.
I got up walking back outside to get the rest of the boxes ,and I definitely made sure I found the box with the curtains.
• • •
It was 8 pm and I finished about half my room.I had my bed all set up,My desk was put together ,and my curtains were up.
I decided to go on a little walk just to look around the neighborhood and clear my head.
"Hey mom I'm going on a walk"I shout as I'm putting my hoodie on.
"Okay sweetie be back in 20 minutes or less"she shouted back.
I walked out the door walking along the sidewalk, just looking around at the houses and at the stars in the sky when all of a sudden this car goes by at about 95 miles an hour.
"Owwww"I whined.I was so shocked at the car I tripped over my own feat and hit my knee on a rock.
I was just sitting down and looking around seeing if anyone saw.All I could hear were owls whooing .When suddenly I'm looking at a bush and I see red eyes
Whatever language you put it in it was still an abnormal eye color, and I was just frozen until I thawed and got up and ran back to my house and inside.

"Honey is something wrong" my parents are looking up at me.
Oh no I'm a horrible liar and my parents ,especially Dad , they arenprofessionals at reading people.
"Um no just getting in that workout"I smile trying to make it believable.
"Oh okay peaches get some sleep "my dad says continuing back to his book.
Phew that was a close one
I smile and walk up the stairs.

"There is no way she was getting in a work out"Benjamin says to his wife smiling.
• • •

I woke up the next morning to sun shinning on my face.
Huh that's funny I thought I closed them.
I looked out the window and I see that boy getting dressed I immediately close my curtains and walk away .
I go to the bathroom brush my teeth and get all my business done and go downstairs to find my parents In the kitchen.
"Good morning honey.Did you get some good sleep?"my mother smiled at me as she was setting flowers down in the kitchen.
"That's good"she said as she was put Ik got stuff away.
"So what are our plans today?"Brent asks coming down the stairs.
"Good morning to you too sweet pea"my mom rolls her eyes .
"Sorry.Good morning Mom,I slept well.What are our plans today?"Brent raises his eyebrows.
"Well someone didn't wake up on the right side of the bed this morning.Anyway a sweet family invited us over for dinner and we're going"my mom finishes.
"Do we have to go?"Brent groans
"If you would like to eat tonight yes you do"my father snaps.
"Fine okay .Anything else?"Brent asks
"No you may go"my mother sighs as Brent storms back up stairs.
I decide to follow him.
I go upstairs and knock on his door .
" come in"
I walk in and see him playing on his computer.
"Look I know your upset too ,but your going a little bit over the top." He really was being so harsh and it was mostly affecting Mom.
"Brookes our whole lives were in Fresno ,and now we are in a completely different town and we're forced to meet new people"he says trying to reasons with me.
"I know Brent I miss it too ,but like Dad said we need to make the best out of a good situation.You're really hurting Mom!"
Brent just gives me a blank stare, So I just walk on out.
I thought I would at least try to finish my room before we had to leave.After all it may either be torture or okay-ish .
Let's just hope for okay-ish
•  •  •
"Brent!Brooke!Time to leave"My Dad shouted.
"Coming" we both said running down the stairs.
"Well you both look lovely."My mother smiled at our outfits.I was wearing a floral dress with some converse and Brent was wearing a button up.
"Thanks mom"Brent smiled at mom.
My mom lit up like a Christmas tree getting a compliment from her oldest.
We walked over to what seemed like our neighbors.
My father walked up and knocked on the door.And guess who opened the door.
You guessed it .
The shirtless boy.

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