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Previously on the haunting hour......

"I wish we just stayed in Fresno"

"Red eyes

"We knocked on the door and guess who opened it.You guessed it.
The shirtless boy.
• • •

"You must me the Fajer's?"said shirtless boy, but not so much anymore.
"Yes and you must be...Andrew?"My mom guessed.
"Yes ma'am but y'all can call me Drew, please come in"he gestures for us to move in.
As we're walking in, his eyes move over to me and my brother and realization is all over his face.There's no way he doesn't know that was me.As we're gathering in the hallway another boy walks down the stairs , and older women comes out of the kitchen.
"Hey y'all, it's so nice to see you again Jenna and Benjamin" said the older lady.
"You too Alice, Thank-you so much for having us over"my mom smiled.
"Of course, now these two must be the lovely Brooke and Brent right?"the older lady asked smiling at me and Brent.
"Yes ma'am", I smiled while my brother twiddled with his thumbs.
"We'll I'm Alice Altman,  Andrews and Allen's Aunt"she informed us.
I just assumed that she was there mom.I wonder what happened to their parents.
"We'll I think I can speak for all of the Fajers when I say we are very happy to be here"my father smiled putting his arms around me and my brother squeezing our shoulders.
"Well were very happy to have you, Allen Joan and Andrew James come over here and be polite" their aunt quickly switched from sweet to scolding when switching conversations.
The two boys walked over and started introducing themselves shaking hands.Andrew was the last one to shake my hand, he came over and stared deep into my eyes while shaking my hand.I don't know whether or not this was an attempt to intimidate me, so I stared right back.When I went to pull my hand away he wouldn't let go.

"Alpha Much?"
"Stare much?"

He raised his eyebrows at me and then walked away.While I stood there in shock.He's never going to let the window instance go, and I'm going to die of  embarrassment.I'm a teenage girl, does everyone expect me just to put my hands over my eyes when a chiseled chest is around.Before anybody says anything yes I heard the hypocrisy too don't worry.

We all gather at the table and began to eat.
"So Brent what grade will you be in this year?"Ms. Altman asks.
At first my brother is tempted not to ask but a good nudge from my dad gets the answer,
"Uh—I'm a senior  ma'am, I'll graduate in May"he says through the pain of a nudge.
"Ah that'll be nice, we always have lovely graduation ceremonies here , it's very old fashioned if you will", at this my brother decides it's the best time to snort with laughter.If I didn't know what my father looked pissed, I do now.
"And Brooke you are also going to be at the high school right?" Miss Altman asks looking towards me.

"Yes, she'll actually be taking a lot of Junior classes and have an opportunity to graduate early" my mother brags gleefully.
Don't get me wrong, I love my mother dearly, but I don't really want my first impression in this town to be
"the geek with no official class level."
"Oh really, that's very impressive Brooke.It looks like you may have classes with Adam and Andrew then.Maybe y'all can all be study buddies?After all you two got one smart cookie on your hands"Ms.Altman says very sweetly.
"That we do"my father says proudly.

"Do either of you plan on doing any extra curricular?"Ms.Altman asks.

"We'll Brent is our Football and Soccer player.Brooke is our Track runner and Photography girl" my mom says, and Andrew thinks it's the perfect time to spit out his lemonade out of laughter.

"Is something funny Andrew"Ms. Altman asks confused.
"More like Ironic, but whatever" he says dismissively before making obvious eye contact with me with a slight smirk and taught in his eyes.His brother and aunt give him a weird look before rolling their eyes and going back to eating their dinner.Guess their used to his antics.
"You should try out for the football team Brent , we're about to start our season and we need something to kick Ravenwoods as—nail" he saves himself from cursing and I can't help but snort.
"Yeah I'll come check it out"
, and for the first time since we got to this town, my brother actually has hope for the future.

"And Brooke you should definitely look into yearbook, somehow I think you would have the eyes for it" he says as he's cleaning his dish into he sink.

The eyes for it?What does he mean by....
Don't worry I heard it, but for the record that was a horocious joke, if your gonna taunt me do it properly.
"Yeah and y'all should definitely check out soccer in the spring and track.I'm on the varsity track team and you seem like you would be a nice fit Brooke" Allen says looking at me.
"Thank-you, I'll definitely talk to the coach and see if I can get a tryout."
I smile towards Adam before he picks up mine and my brothers plate along with his to wash.

"Hey we can help."I gesture to me and my brother
"We can?"
"Yes we can" I grit my teeth and pull brenttowards the kitchen while our parents continue talking to Ms.Altman
I go to the sink and start scrubbing dishes while Brent washes.
"Hey here ya go" Andrew goes to hand me a plate and suddenly,
Red eyes

The plate slips through my fingers, I close my eyes preparing for the crash but it never came.
"Nice save, sorry just blanked out don't know what came over me" I nervous laugh while washing the dish.
I don't know what happened or why I just blanked out.It was like I was pulled into another universe for 20 minutes while in reality only 5 seconds had past.
"Don't worry about it" he says quickly and quietly before grabbing Adam and going upstairs.
Me and Brent looked at each other confusingly but then just shrugged.New town ,weird kids.Maybe we're the weird ones.

"Brooke!Brent!Time to go darlings" my mom yells for us.
Me and Brent go towards our Dad while my exchanges goodbyes with Ms.Altman.
What a weird dinner.

Hey everyone, I know it's been years, but by the off chance you really liked this story and we're bummed I stopped posting I'm so sorry.My mental health was bad and wattpad was not the best place for me at the moment.I can not promise regular updates but I can promise to do my very best to keep writing.Thankyall for (hopefully) understanding, and have a lovely night or day darlings!


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