Lake (Hoody & Masky)

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A/N- I'm not proud of this and I find it very boring/doesn't make sense. I wasn't able to get my idea for this chapter out properly.

You watched as various trees flew by your passenger window while your friend sped down the road. You and Connie had just started your day off from work and decided this would be a great opportunity, considering it's summer, to spend time together at the lake. Though you've never been to this one. It was an hour drive away into the deep wooded mountains. But it must of been beautiful if it was worth the long drive for most people(Which you didn't think it was worth the drive but she insisted anyways)

There were seventeen minutes left of the ride before the car started to slow down. The pavement was already beginning to lose its quality as you two drove, but now the concrete had begun to form multiple potholes. You lifted your head up from your chin and turned over to give Connie a concerned look. "Should we turn around, or do you wanna risk scrapping your car?", you asked. You looked back to the road which continued down the slope in a curve to the right; leading down the mountain. "We can continue, I'm not worried about my car anyways. Gonna be trading this baby in soon for something better", She responded confidently with a slap to your thigh. You chuckled at her actions though it didn't help you avoid the warmth that grew hotter on the back of your neck.

Slowly, she continued forward. Meticulously avoiding various sized ditches along the way. You subconsciously gripped the door hand rest as you felt the car swivel in an uncoordinated pattern down the incline. Thankfully though, the uncomfortable ride didn't last long, for you guys proceeded on a clear concrete path once again.

"Didn't get one scratch", Connie cocked a smirk your way in which you only rolled your eyes to. "Wake me up when we get there", You say as you rest your head upon your palm and lean against the door.


Your eyes shot open when you felt yourself nearly fall out of your seat. "Wake up sleeping beauty, we're here!", Connie caught you by the shoulders and helped place your shaken body back up into your seat. "God, you scared me!". You roughly unbuckled yourself with a frown before stepping out and shutting the door. A thickly wooded border encircled the area. A single dirt trail led back up the hill from where you guys must have came from. And to the side of the driver's seat, was the lake. As promised, it was beautiful. Clear and deep blue that sparkled with every ripple. Though along the ridge where the water married the land was a bit murky.

You pulled your phone out of your pocket to see you had no service. Checking the time, it was 6:25 pm in the afternoon. You pressed your brows together in slight worry of the time considering you two were an hour away from town and it would get dark by eight. Though you tried not to let it get to you. Connie was already digging in the trunk for the cooler and beach towels. Walking around the silver Honda Pilot, you took the cooler handle from your friend and heaved it out with an accidental thud.

With that, Connie grabbed a few more things before shutting the trunk. "Is that everything?", You questioned, looking from the cooler at your feet to her.

"Yep, I even brought a floaty"

"Only a floaty?", You stared at her deadpanned with slight amusement as you watched a blush form across her face. "...yes", You both laugh after the slight pause. You were pulled out of your laughing fit when you opened your eyes to stare past her into the woods. You didn't notice how eerily silent it truly was here. Almost as if the world had froze in time. It honestly started to irk you a bit as you felt a shudder pass through you.

"Ok, let's get everything set so we can start swimming! It's hot as hell out here!", She rushed past you with her items and set a towel down by the water. You were so encapsulated that you had to pry your eyes from the trees before you were able to follow along to help unpack. Basic necessities such as lotion, towels, and spare clothes, to name a few, were placed on your respective beach towels. Connie had brought along her speaker and a few alcoholic drinks of her preferred brand as well. Wasting no time, she had splashed into the water with her single dinosaur donut pool float. She looked silly lazily floating in the water with the childish floaty, making you snicker as you watched her from your place by the water.

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