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“Hahaha. Indeed, Princess Consort. Why does that matter?”

Umiru laughed and took Aristine’s hand with one hand, while wrapping her other hand around Aristine’s shoulders to escort her intimately.

“May I escort you like this since we’re both girls? Normally, a husband would do this but unfortunately, yours is too busy glaring right at me.”

Umiru looked at Tarkan with a smile.

“You smell really nice, Princess Consort. Very different from those sweaty warrior bast…I mean, those warriors.”

“Isn’t that expected? There’s outside training while I’m inside. Of course, I won’t sweat.”

Seeing Aristine retorting like it was not a big deal, Umiru chuckled like there was something funny about this.

“Oh dear, our Highness Tarkan must be quite frustrated.”

Tarkan furrowed his brows when Umiru’s gaze turned to him.

“Not particularly.”

He spat out and turned his head.

“Oh, is that so?”

Umiru walked pleased as she led Aristine to the medical supplies storage.

“Alright, these are the regular scalpels.”

There were scalpels shaped like daggers stacked like a pile of gifts in the place Umiru showed Aristine.

“I really like the scalpel you made, Princess Consort. I think I’m going to throw away all these ones that I bought in advance…”

Throwing away all of them seemed like a lot.
“You stockpile a lot of scalpels?”

“Yes, it’s hard to maintain because I have to use it multiple times.”

“Ah, because of the blade?”

She’d heard that the blade of a medical scalpel was so thin that it broke easily.

‘Even in my previous life, there was a story in the news about how a scalpel unknowingly broke inside a patient’s body and was sutured inside.’

There was an x-ray picture attached to that story and she remembered how terrifying it was to the white object shining clearly in that black picture.

‘But the medical scalpels here should be thicker than the ones on Earth, no? The blade shouldn’t be breaking after one or two uses…’

“Rather than the blade being the problem, it’s more like it’s hard to use while trying to take care of it.”

Umiru shook her head back and forth.

“And that is why, I would appreciate if you could prepare some more prototypes, Princess Consort.”

“Ah, I will let Ritlen know.”

Aristine nodded.

It shouldn’t take particularly long since they were making the prototypes using the smithing equipment at Tarkan’s palace.

‘But even if the blade isn’t the problem, is it that hard to use for long? Enough to stock up on such a large amount in advance?’

Of course, it was best not to use a scalpel for too long.

However, with this much, you could practically assume it was used once and thrown away. The moment Aristine was about to ask a question about that…

“Umiru! There’s an urgent patient!”

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