Lost And Found

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Old note: I got a new keyboard so there might be a lot of mistakes. But please enjoy, vote, and follow my friend cxsmic_stardust. BAI!

About five years after I ran away, the gods were starting to think that I sided with Kronos. So they sent Artemis to look for me.

At the moment, I was running.

Running for my stupid, worthless life. 

I know I smell like heaven, after living in the dumpsters for five worthless years, but could the monsters at least, just smell and not try to kill and eat me? Looking over my shoulder, I didn’t realize when my foot got caught on a tangled root. The werewolf, not wasting any time, caught up and bit me in my shoulder. A classic.

 I stifled back a scream. but thankfully, it kept its teeth in my shoulder for just enough time for me to stab it. Its golden dust splattered all over me. I wiped off the dust and grumbled to myself. I summoned some water and healed the wound, but the scar, stubbornly, stayed.

I found a wild berry bush and plucked some of the berries into my mouth. but just then, an arrow hit me in my leg, causing me to trip, and for some reason it burned. 

Then realization dawned me, and I groaned, frustratedly.

Werewolves. Bites. Arrow. 


I should have known. 

Still deep in thought, I didn’t notice the second arrow, until it pierced my arm. I grunted, before blacking out. But not before I heard the sound of running footsteps.

When I woke up, I noticed a burning pain in both my arms, and my legs. I looked at it and there were silver chains strapped to me. "so thats why I was burning…" I muttered to myself. So apparently I'm a werewolf… does that mean I can become a wolf? I thought to myself. Maybe if I tried to control water but not aim it at the water, but myself? I tried the idea and a searing pain passed through my body. It didn't work. Damn it. 

I sat back down grumpily. Why was it always me who had to get captured? Why not, like, Annabeth? She definitely deserved it. but of course it had to be me. Because the fates hate my guts and Im the ' great ' Percy Jackson. 

just then someone came into my line of view. Artemis! I immediately thought. "the boy is awake, eh?" she growled, emphasise on growled. "oh, hi Arty." I greeted. As always, I was doing my best to annoy her, and it seems I was succeeding. 

' Yay ' I thought internally. 

Sassy, as always. She growled again and left, thanks to my amazing and beautiful sassiness. I sat there for a couple hours, lost in thought and dying of boredom. eventually, I fell asleep and here starts our little fun house of torture.

~ When The Arrow Hit (discontinued, remade, republished)Where stories live. Discover now