Silver Chains Entangled

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it was a dark and stormy night. Heh,  just kidding. it was actually a really peaceful night. I was really starting to get annoyed at Artemis. She has kept me in this crappy and worthless cave for three days now. And I didn't even get to see the rest of the hunters! But, it was not like I wanted to, because Thalia is a hunter and she also betrayed me… so yeah. 

   I was sitting, because the ceiling was low. and Artemis came once or twice a day and questioned me. But I always managed to annoy her and force her to leave. If this was a cartoon show, there would have been smoke coming out of her ears. 

The thought comforted me and encouraged me to continue what I was doing and not let her find out about me. Artemis entered my point of view with a glare. But her expression was always pity. 

Finally she said “Alright, jokester boy. Time's up. If you tell me what I want to know, I'll remove the wolf part from you and let you free.” 

She really must have been desperate to say that. 

I realized that she was expecting me to obey and she kept me in the cage so I would crave freedom. I gave her a lopsided grin. “Do you really think that I am gonna believe that stupid lie? I asked. She gave me an annoyed sigh, and surprisingly opened the cage.

I looked at her suspiciously, and I stepped out. But I kept my eyes on her. The fresh air entered my lungs and I relaxed my muscles a bit. Then I realized something. How  am I outside of my arms and legs are chained with silver? I looked down and the chains were gone. She must have removed the chains during my sleep/torture. I was still keeping my eyes on Artemis. 


One of those traps with a noose looking thing on the ground that activates a net when you step in it. 

How did I not notice that? Why, because I’m the GREAT Persassy and stupid Jackson. 

That is why a silver net brought me in the air. Then the hunters of Artemis came out of hiding and hauled the net down. I struggled against the burning silver. 

Thalia came to the front. “Lord Zeus requests and audience with you. And stop struggling, you damn idiot!” She glared down at my pained expression. 

Fucking Damien must have also made her hate me. 

The thought angered me and her feet turned to ice. Everyone including me, herself, and ‘lady’ Artemis stared at her with confusion and shock. I was shocked and confused on how I could do that. Everyone else was confused on why it happened. Artemis shook of her shocked expression and flashed me to the throne room of Olympus. I really didn’t want to go, but I did not have a choice.

~ When The Arrow Hit (discontinued, remade, republished)Where stories live. Discover now