Chapter 6

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F.Naruto pov:
I woke up feeling warm. 'That's weird...? I'm not sweating either....' I am about to try to lift myself when I hear a hissing noise. Something cold slithers up the side of my leg and into my shirt
'Wait, why is it moving and hissing......???' My eyes shoot open when I realize what had crawled into my shirt. "Ahhhhh!!!!" I hear a hiss and a groan from beside me. "Hmmmm????" The snake moves from my shirt and slithers to the sleeping raven "Yumie? Why are you in the bed?" The raven says lazily as he sits up and looks at my shocked figure.

F.Sasuke's pov:
I smile at my pet snake as she looks at the distressed blond. "did you try to cuddle with Naruto?" I ask as the snake nods its head at me. I chuckle and face the blond. "Sorry about that Yumie likes to cuddle and share body heat" "why did she go to me instead of you then?!" He says in a screechy yet calm voice. I stand up from the place I was resting and hug him only to notice how warm he is. "Sasuke your really cold are you ok!?"

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