The Start Of Something Better

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Heads up, this is a short one, but the next one will be longer
A big thank you to Spotted_1234 they helped me with ideas and they inspired me to write this, hopefully this will not only put a smile on your faces but mine as well.

3rd POV

Estonia felt sad, he had been on his old laptop for a while, checking his email repeatedly, clearly nervous, maybe excited? He had sent in an application to his dream college, and was impatiently waiting for the response, refreshing his email page constantly and repeatedly. He widened his eyes when he finally got the message around 15 minutes later after repeatedly reloading the home page. He quickly clicked on the email and read it nervously and quickly, mostly skimming through everything until the last few paragraphs, "thank you for your application to ---- college, we are happy to tell you that you've been accepted, we believe you have potential to do great things here in our family. Classes start on the 25th of august 10:00".

Estonia jumped up and down on his chair from excitement and happiness, he fell off his chair on the floor and laughed a bit. He got up and fell on top of his bed, singing along to the song that was playing while he was clicking and tapping, and refreshing. Soviet Union - his father, Russia - his brother and his triplet brothers - Latvia and Lithuania, came into his room, wondering what all the noise was.

The smaller country shot up and looked at them, pausing the music "oh uh, sorry for making all that noise." His father nodded "whatever, its fine, but mind telling us why?" Estonia had a huge smile on his face "I was accepted!" Latvia and Lithuania looked at each other, smiling, a lot. They congratulated Estonia and left. Russia and Soviet Union stayed. "So... you'll be moving out then?" Soviet asked, looking at the smaller, he responded with a nod "will... you help me with paying...? Please dad." Soviet sighed and nodded "fine, as long as you don't waste the money I give you for some surgery you wanted." Estonia nodded "I promise, I won't."

After a bit of chatting Soviet left but Russia stayed and sat down on the bed next to his brother "listen, you won't have a lot of fun there, that place is flooded with bullies and rich cunts. So, watch yourself, maybe lose some weight before the semester star-" "leave my room. Just go..." Estonia interrupted Russia, he knew Russia couldn't read the room, like, ever. The bigger country left the room and went to his own.

Estonia sighed and looked down at himself, disgusted at himself "Wow, who knew happiness is temporary..." he let out a small cry.

Soon same the moving day came, Estonia had packed everything he'd need and everything that he was attached to, he put the stuffed boxes in his dad's car, sighing a bit, the small boy sat inside the car and buckled up, waiting for his dad to come and drive him there. Latvia and Lithuania were also there, they had applied to the same college, mostly because their dad wanted everyone to go to the same one. Good thing Soviet had a van. Once they got to the college, soviet had chosen to help Lithuania unpack first, since Lithuania was his favourite child. Out of the triplets...

Estonia got his dorm key and looked for the room, once he opened the door he noticed a tall guy, well... an average sized guy, not short but not tall, he was tall for him. He gave him a smile "Hi! I'm Estonia" he said as he walked in, closing the door behind himself and putting the box he brought on the floor. The man answered, putting his sunglasses on his head "hey! I am the great United States of America! But you can call me USA, America or if you don't want to waste your breath on that - Ame." he walked over to Estonia and shook his hand, making Estonia smile and shake his hand back "It's nice to meet you, Ame."

They chatted and helped each other move into their dorm room. Once America saw Estonia's belongings, he smiled a bit "So... you like pink?" that made Estonia get pink at the cheeks "... yesss, I do. Wait. Do you think I'm a girl or a boy??" he quickly turned to look at the taller. America raised an eyebrow "well... I think you're a gay guy." he laughed a bit. That made Estonia smile, 'so...I look like I'm passing... awesome...' he thought to himself.
They had everything set up nice and well, Estonia's plushies, his blankets, pillows somehow fit on the twin bed. He had added posters, fairy lights and small things to make him feel at home. He was trans but he absolutely loved fem and childish things, they made him feel safe.

After wasting the whole day to pack everything he said goodbye to his father and went back to his dorm to try and continue to get comfortable. The smaller country sat down on his bed, legs crossed and looking at America who was on his laptop, talking about things he could order "wanna get pizza? I'm starving!" he groaned while letting out a chuckle. "o-oh uh... I'd love to, but I can't really waste mon-" "psh, I have the money and more than enough of it, let's get pizza, what do you want?" Estonia felt relief "thanks, I'd probably want a Hawaiian or maybe I'd want a barbeque pizza." America felt a smile crack "My brother loves Hawaiian, I think he's disgusting, no offense." They both laughed.


Short one, but I still hope you enjoyed it :)

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