That Stung

105 7 9

3rd POV

Estonia was getting poked by America, asking him to get up, the smaller groaned and moved a bit "God... what time is it..." America smiled "It's 7 am, we have 3 hours before lessons start so why don't we go to a café? We could meet my friends and my brother!" The smaller country groaned "5 more minutes..." Then suddenly he felt America swipe his blanket away "H-Hey!" he said in surprise, America just dropped the blanket on the floor "what's up with the heavy ass blanket? Whatever, get dressed we're going soon~!" the taller hummed.

Estonia reluctantly got up and went to his closet to pick out some clothes for the day, he grabbed some white stockings, black shorts, a Cavetown merch shirt and a pink zip up hoodie. The smaller went to the bathroom to change his clothes, he had wrapped an elastic bandage around his chest and began to dress up. While Estonia was changing America had a closer look at the smaller boys shoulder bag, he looked at the pins and he noticed a blue, pink and white striped flag pin on it 'he's... trans?' America thought to himself before going to knock on the bathroom door "hey I didn't know you're trans, you know you could've just told me." Silence. "O-Oh uhm, well, I uh. I-I'll be honest, I didn't know if you'd accept me if you knew." America just laughed a bit "well if you have a whole ass pin for that It's not much of a secret, now is it?" Estonia laughed as well "w-well I guess you're right, you um, do accept me right? I-I can come out of the bathroom and not get beat up, right?" America heard the door unlock slowly, when he was sure that Estonia had unlocked the door fully he opened it and hugged the smaller "Of course man, you're my friend now, we shall be unseparable." Estonia laughed "It's inseparable."

They made their way to the small local café, America had already made a call to his friends, so they just had to wait for them to come. The pair entered the café, it had a beautiful rustic theme, with common household plants being taken care of in there, with baked goods being served and a variety of hot and cold drinks to go along with. Estonia smiled at the warm feeling of the café and picked a place to sit at with America and his friends before going to the barista to order their drinks. Estonia looked at his wallet nervously, never usually ordering anything himself "u-um... Ame? Can you um... order for me? I'll give you back the money." America raised an eyebrow, but shrugged "sure! Don't worry about the money though, no need. What do you want?" Estonia looked at the drink selection "I want... the white chocolate latte, please." America nodded and ordered themselves the drinks they wanted - a sweet latte for Estonia and an even sweeter caramel frappe for America.

They sat down with their drinks in their hands and chatted, America was feeling giddy to meet his friends again, and Estonia was nervous "so um... how are your friends? Are they judgemental?" America shook his head as an answer "nope, well... except for one, his name is Finland. But wow is he attractive. Like, I'm not crushing on him or anything but I'm warning you, if you're attracted to goth guys, he's not a person to mess with." He smiled at Estonia. "I told you, I'm not goth, I'm a metal-head." They both looked at the person who said it - it was Finland and all of his other friends tagging behind him. Estonia looked up at the dark man, he had white hair, his face and ears somewhat heavily pierced. He had a bunch of black coloured, unknown (to him) metal piercings with names he could only wish to remember. The small countries cheeks went red and when he realized that Finland was sitting down next to him, he could only describe this as a dream, he couldn't control himself and just squealed and squeaked from happiness. He quickly shut himself up and went a darker shade of red. America looked at Estonia and winked at him before introducing everyone else "Okay! This is Greenland, the big guy, and Iceland!" he pointed at the 'big guy' and the shorter guy who was clinging to him, "That's Canada, my brother! He plays hockey with Finland and another guy." Finland rolled his eyes "His name is Russia, dumbass." Estonia widened his eyes "w-wait did you say Russia? Russia is my big brother!" he smiled brightly at Finland, who only reacted by raising his eyebrow "So you're the fat tranny he was talking about?" "FINLAND!" America yelled a bit "can you respect him a bit at least? He's my new friend, he's also new here." Finland just reacted by rolling his eyes, Estonia was in shock, he went quiet and looked down a bit, just looking at the time on his phone, 7:43, this will be a long day... He put his phone on his thigh and looked up at America.

America cleared his throat, trying to take away the attention of a possible argument "ANYWAY... these are my best friends! I'm sure you'll love to be around them!" He glared at Finland "Even him, I'm SURE he'll be nicer to you." Estonia just nodded "Don't worry, we'll find a mutual language" he smiled at Finland while sipping his latte, who just reacted in quiet anger. They all chatted, asking Estonia questions, which was overwhelming him so he tried to put the most attention on America, who gladly took the attention. "So... why haven't you told me about a buff hockey player?" he smiled at both Finland and Estonia while he was sipping his own coffee drink. Estonia raised an eyebrow "because um... uh... well I didn't want to accidentally vent to you about my family problems-" Finland looked at Estonia's leg, noticing that his phone was slipping "-and I wouldn't want you to be into him, because he's an... ass..." Finland wasn't listening to what Estonia was saying, he caught the phone, brushing his large hand on Estonia's thigh, Estonia went quiet and got red in the face, he looked down and saw Finland put the phone back down on his thigh.

Estonia smiled a bit. "Do you have something on your mind Est?" Greenland asked, looking at the smaller. Estonia shrugged, "I... I don't think so." He looked at Iceland who was kind of... staring at him "do you have autism?" Iceland asked the Estonian, who just widened his eyes in surprise at the question, he stayed quiet, thinking "I uh don't think so?" was his final answer. Iceland nodded a bit "You might want to get that checked out." Estonia flushed red from embarrassment, not wanting to leave an impression worse than it already was, he just nodded and they kept chatting, hopefully Finland didn't think he was any weirder.

1170 words

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