Chapter 4

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Marlena moaned in her sleep. Rolling to her side, lost in a dream, which was also a memory...

She could tell John was embarrassed. The demon wanted him to be embarrassed, and flustered, by the sight of her naked body. John's eyes were averted, as he quickly dipped his head, realizing he'd walked in on Marlena unclothed. His fingers awkwardly brushing over his forehead, while his eyes kept darting quick glances at her body. She was freshly showered, with a warm glow to her skin, and all traces of body hair removed. The plan was calculated, and cold. The intention was to seduce. Marlena acted surprised that he had walked into the room, and she slowly reached for the pink robe slung carelessly over the back of her sofa.

"I'm so sorry, Doc. I-I guess you didn't hear me knocking downstairs," he said, stumbling over his words, as he glanced sideways at her naked body. His eyes traveled the length of her, landing on the vee between her thighs, stripped bare for his eyes. He nearly fell to his knees at the sight, forcing his eyes to turn away again. He didn't understand why his reactions to her were so strong, his need for her almost painful.

"Oh, no, I didn't," Marlena said softly, while she turned from him slowly, ensuring he saw everything she intended for him to see, and slid the robe on.

"Your front door was open. I-I started getting a little worried about you," he said, finally turning his head to look at her once her robe was securely on. His mind was inundated with ideas, thoughts, and fantasies of the things he would like to do to her body.

"Well, I'm sorry. I thought I could get a quick shower before you arrived. I didn't hear you," she said with a shy smile, as if she were the one who was embarrassed.

"I hope you know, I wouldn't just barge in on you like this," he told her, followed by an awkward laugh.

"No, this is my fault," she said, stepping closer to him, touching his arm gingerly. Marlena heard the demon in her mind. It was smug, it was confident that John wouldn't be able to resist Marlena's body for long. John looked at her again, nervously, his tongue sliding over his lips in a helpless gesture of arousal. "It isn't like you haven't seen me before. We were married, you know," she said with a small smile.

John is immediately hit with another memory from their past. He flinched almost imperceptibly. He was overcome with feelings of love, and arousal for the woman in front of him, as he was forced to remember their first time making love. He stood there in front of Marlena, and he felt his naked body against hers. He felt his fingers gently touching her face, and he heard himself whispering words of love. When the memory ended, he blinked his eyes quickly to clear the tears, he was so overcome with emotion.

She awoke aroused, guilty, and confused about the emotions coursing through her body. The dream, which she now knew was a memory, excited her, if she was being honest with herself. It made her body ache to remember John's eyes roving over her, leaving her unsettled, and craving release. Yes, at the same time, she felt wrong, and guilty. The demon had intentionally been placing John in situations where the temptation would be so great, so overwhelming, that he almost certainly would give in...and be lost forever. She struggled with the reality of her possession, and the emotions it evoked.

Her body was practically humming. She had to do something to relieve the pressure. In the dark of the night, with only the soft glow from a lamp in the hallway, alone in her room, Marlena's hand slid across her abdomen in a light caress. She sighed softly as she closed her eyes, pretending that it was John's hand on her skin. Slowly grasping the silken fabric of her nightgown, she began pulling it up, over her thighs.

Sliding her fingers into her panties, she moaned softly, low in her throat at the pleasure she felt with just one feather soft brush of her fingertip across her clit. It wasn't going to be enough to go slow, not with the desire rolling through her. Marlena quickly shimmied her panties down her legs, leaving them to dangle on one ankle, as she kicked off her blankets. Her door was partially open, with a stream of light shining across the wooden floors. Momentarily wondering if John was awake, she shivered, as she glanced toward the door. The thought that he might see her, or even watch her while she brought herself to a climax, increased her arousal tenfold. He wanted to catch her touching herself, she knew that. When the demon had shown her John's dirty dreams and fantasies, she'd seen what his mind could create.

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