Chapter 18

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July 18, 1959...the child is missing. The family claims he died in a swimming pool accident, and his funeral has already taken place. Idiots. I saw Philomena's face two weeks ago, when I said I wanted the child back. She'd hidden him somewhere, but I won't stop searching. He is mine. John, the child who looks so much like my dear Luna it pains me to even see his face, is not dead. I will search for the rest of my life if I have to, but he belongs to me...

Marlena walked out on the porch of the cabin two days later to find John immersed in the diary again. They had already read it cover to cover twice, and she couldn't imagine that he'd find anything new in there. It pretty much outlined Stefano's obsession with ruining Shawn Brady's life, and how he planned to use John to do it. John had told her about his encounter with Gabe on the beach, but she hadn't mentioned her dream, or what Luna had told her.

It sounded far fetched, but then, as Marlena thought about the last year of her life, what was actually believable about any of it? She ran her fingers through his hair as she stood beside him, and said softly, "I needed to tell you something."

Placing the journal down on the porch beside him, John reached for her hand, pulling her into his lap, "You've been distracted since yesterday. I have noticed that, but I didn't want to push."

"I had a dream...okay, this might sound weird, but...a vision? A premonition. It's just...hard for me, since I've always been so logical," she said.

"Baby, this past year has been anything but logical," he said. "Just start talking, and I'll listen."

"I was on a cliff in Galway," she began.

"Have you ever been to Ireland?"

"Well, no, John, but...oh! Just let me talk," she said, laughing in frustration, as John smirked at her, his eyes teasing. "Okay, I was standing on a cliff, with my arms outstretched. It was evening, but the moon was full. The ocean air was blowing across my face, and someone was with me."


"Your mother," Marlena said softly. "She was young, probably the same age she was when she gave birth to you."


"She wanted me to tell Shawn that he gave her everything she needed. That he loved her unconditionally," Marlena told him. "But then I was overcome with this feeling, this sense of knowing...I'm having another baby, John."

"A baby?" he said looking at her in awe.

"I can't know for sure, but I felt it. I knew it. It's your mothers spirit reborn...and I know that sounds ridiculous...I know it does..."

"Doc, Doc...I'm not questioning it," he said, touching her face gently. "I'm not questioning it."

"Luna said to me, 'Maybe this time my life will be beautiful. How could it not with parents to love me so much...'. I can't say for sure that I's only been three days, but John, I have this peace in me. This knowing, and I love her so much."

"It's a girl?"

"Yes, and she's going to look just like you," she whispered against his lips, before kissing him softly. She looked down at the journal, and asked John, "Why were you reading it again?"

" know, Philomena Alamain faked my death, had a funeral, and hid me in New York, just to keep me away from Stefano DiMera. She may not have been my mother, Doc...but she loved me as if she were. I don't remember any of it, except for what I dreamed the other night," John said. "Stefano spent the next sixteen years searching for me, only to destroy who I was, and turn me into a mechanism for destroying my father."

"He didn't succeed. He caused a lot of damage, he hurt a lot of people, but John," she said touching him, and turning his face to hers, "you are not destroyed, and neither is Shawn."

"We need to talk to him, and I have no idea how to go about it," John said.

"Why don't we tell him at the pub, after it closes for the night. That pub is special to both of you, you know..." Marlena said smiling.

"He only allowed me to pay for it after you begged him. He had already refused...loudly, if I remember correctly," John said, remembering a blustering Shawn yelling, and hollering about not taking charity. "I don't know what you said to convince otherwise, I never asked, and he never said."

"I told him, he wasn't going to tell you no," she whispered. "It would hurt you too much, if he turned you down. I said, you loved him, and you were excited to do that for him."

"You're right. That pub is special," John said quietly. "You gonna change before we go, Lady?" he asked her looking over her long legs, and the t-shirt she was wearing.

"I'm going to shower before we go," Marlena said standing up, and pulling the t-shirt over her head. She turned away from him, walking towards the shower, tossing a smirk over her shoulder, and saying, "You can join me if you want."

Leaning back on his hands, and watching her naked body sway towards the shower, he felt his cock stirring in his sweatpants. When Marlena was possessed the demon did everything it could to seduce John. Here on Smith Island was where he had almost given in. He would have given in...if Kristen hadn't interrupted them. John remembered how hot is was, his body covered in sweat after chopping firewood, and upon hearing water, realizing that she was in the shower, she was naked, less than ten feet away from him. He'd wanted to open that shower door, and fuck her against the wall, but he'd held himself back because of a sense of propriety. That was no longer an issue.

Stripping himself of his clothes, John entered the shower, closing the door behind him, and slid his body up along Marlena's back. His already erect cock slipping into the crease of her ass, and his hands cupping her breasts roughly. "When we were here the last time, Doc...I wanted to fuck you in this shower so badly," he rasped in her ear.

"I remember. I was praying we wouldn't, and wishing we would at the same time," she whispered.

"That must have been so confusing."

"It was, sometimes it still is...but right now, I'm really hoping you're planning to take me in this shower."

"Fuck yes, baby," he told her with a growl, while he pulled, and twisted at her nipples. His mouth started biting, and sucking on her neck, as he whispered all the dirty things he planned to do to her. When Marlena felt his arm reach around her, and his hand glide down towards her pussy, she also felt her arousal drip from her body, and when the pad of his finger gently brushed over her clit, she cried out in passion. "You like that, don't you Doc?" John asked her.

"Oh, G-d, yes!" she said, as her body jerked from the sensation rolling through her.

"Hold on to the wall, baby," John rasped in her ear roughly. His fingers dipped into her pussy, coming out slippery and wet. Using her own arousal to flick over her clit a few more times, he whispered, "I'm going to fuck you now, Doc."

"Oh, G-d! Please, John."

"Say it, Doc. Say you want me to fuck you," he said, pushing his hard cock into the crease of her bottom, and flicking her clit again.

"John, John..."

"Now, Doc."

"Oh, G-d, fuck me, John! Please, fuck me," she moaned, her head falling back to rest on his shoulder.

Reaching forward, and placing one of his hands beside hers on the shower wall, John slowly slid his cock into her hot, moist, center, and moaned in her ear, before biting it. "I love you so much, Doc," he said, looping his other arm under her leg, and lifting it up, so he could thrust harder, and deeper. "Kiss me. Kiss my mouth," he told her.

Marlena remembered another time, years ago, when she had demanded that John kiss her mouth, so she tipped her head up to his descending one, and lapped her tongue over the seam of his lips, before opening her lips wider, and sucking on his tongue. She felt the build up in her body and knew she was close to coming, when she began to pant, and said, "I'm close, John, so close."

"Hold on, Doc," he said before removing his hand from the wall, and sliding his fingers down to her swollen pussy. "I want you to scream," he whispered in her ear, when his fingers began to pinch, and pull at her clit. Marlena's shout, as she she came on his dick, pushed John over the edge.

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