Chapter 13

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Kristen sat in the hospital staring into her fathers open, and yet unresponsive eyes. He'd been like this for hours, and she was waiting on the test results, but ultimately, Kristen knew it wouldn't be good news. If she asked him a question he could respond with yes or no, by blinking his eyes, but otherwise he was completely immobile. She turned her head at the sound of the door opening, to see Mike Horton walk in with a grim look on his face, and she knew nothing would ever be the same. "It was a stroke, wasn't it?" she asked him.

Mike nods slowly, and tells her, "The brain scans came back, as well as the echocardiogram, and it was a stroke. A pretty severe stroke, which is why he's lost the use of his body, and he can't speak. He's still aware of everything going on around him, but unable to respond verbally."

"Is it permanent? Is he ever going to be able to walk or speak again?" Kristen asked him, becoming more frantic.

"We don't know. We don't have the proper facilities to rehabilitate him here. The damage done is to extensive. I would suggest that you find a facility that specializes in strokes," Mike said gently.

"There was a place in Finland, we had discussed going there to help him regain use of his arms after the fall. Maybe I could contact them? See if they might still have something that could help us?" Kristen said absently.

"I think that might be for the best. I can also have the vascular neurologist come, and speak with you as well. It's possible that they may have some suggestions in the meantime?" Mike said before leaving the room.

Kristen turned back to her father, looking at him sadly, and noticed one lone tear trailing down his cheek. She wiped it away with her finger, leaning forward to kiss his cheek, and she said, "It's over now Father. All of it. Your vendetta against the Brady's, your grudge against John...your obsession with Marlena. All of it."

She watched as her father blinked one time, indicating 'no'. She placed her hand on his chest, saying, "It has to end. I'm giving John the journal I found in your things. He deserves to know. Everything. And if we get you through this, if we can get you into some type of recovery, I need you to do this for me. Promise me it's over, please? Please Father, end this now."

She watches Stefano's face, as he pauses to respond. He blinks slowly twice, indication 'yes'. She doesn't know if he's lying or not. Knowing her father he probably is, but she can't do anything about it in this moment. "I'm going to go make some calls to the clinic in Finland, I'll be back soon."

As Kristen left the room, an enraged Stefano DiMera lay trapped in his bed by his own traitorous body, finally acknowledging to himself that his battle against the Brady's, and ultimately John, may well be over.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Forgive me Father for I have sinned. It has been three days since my last confession," John said.

"John, we could do this in my office if you want," Father Jansen replied through the screen when he recognized John's voice. "I have some information for might prevent these frequent visits you're having to the confessional."

John runs his fingers through his hair, and says roughly, "Yeah. Yeah, okay."

Upon entering Father Jansen's office, John falls into the chair by the desk, and drops his head into his hands. When Father Jansen has himself seated behind the desk, he watches John for a moment. It's obvious that he's in love with Marlena, and eaten up by guilt over their increasingly intimate exchanges, but not enough to stop them from happening. He leans forward, placing his elbows on his desk, and threading his fingers together, when he says, "The Bishop doesn't think you were ever ordained, John."

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