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    "We need to push farther! This is the closest we've come to turning the tides in three years. We should force their hand while we're ahead!"

    "I agree, why should we force ourselves to wait when we have an opportunity to strike now?"

    There was a reply to the question that caused the debate to grow louder. Zaffre stood beside Freya outside the blue tent. Inside the thin fabric was a meeting of all the prominent leader's in the war in their area. Currently, they argued whether they should try and break through Aberon's lines to try and gain some ground or wait. It was quite heated as neither side was truly getting past the other's arguments. Zaffre was hesitant to enter but knew she needed to, as she was asked to come to this meeting. She needed to hear about how Aberon was fending them off so well.

    She shared a glance with her bond who seemed to gaze at her with an expression that said, "I don't know, it's your decision, your life." Zaffre held back a lighthearted scoff at Freya's inability to be helpful. Keeping a tight grip on her anxiety she pulled back the tent flap and stepped inside, the fabric door silently closing behind her leaving her Pumeon outside. The group of men and one woman were silenced at her entry, looking at her with expressions that ranged from confidence and familiarity to surprise and upset. The ones that held confidence were people she'd trained with before, three of the six people seated. The others she'd never met as they were from other camps, one of which included the woman.

    The high-ranking soldier seemed to be eyeing Zaffre up like she was a possible threat. She quickly realized the woman was unsure Zaffre deserved the respect or belief some of the others held for her. It was a struggle not to force her back straighter and hold her head higher. If she acted like she needed the support, she would not earn it. She swallowed in a way that she hoped was subtle as everyone's eyes remained on her, waiting for her to speak. She was in a tent of powerful and deadly individuals, it was unsettling, to say the least.

   "It was requested that I sit in on a meeting to gain the knowledge myself and Freya need for when we're on the battlefield." Fortunately, Zaffre's voice held strong and did not waver or break, though she did not sound as confident as she'd hoped to.

    "Take a seat then, perhaps you can add a new perspective to our...debate." The man who spoke was large and imposing, as well as the tent's oldest-looking person. He had long white hair and a wrinkled face, however the way he held himself to let a strength shine through. He had to be the leader of the group and therefore a person she had to listen to.

    She nodded and took a seat at the head of the table as that was the only space open. She was observed a moment longer by those around her before they turned to look back before them at the maps and battleplans laid out. The blue tent was not large but held enough room to fit a table that seated eight when including the end slots. Currently, the other end of the table was against the back wall of the tent. All the soldiers before her were seated on benches as they looked over what they'd placed on the wooded counter.

    Maps of Vale Havon and Aberon were strewn about along with a more detailed map of the places where battles were taking place. That map was on the center of the table and was covered in small figure pieces to represent the different cavalries and such of their side as well as Aberon's units. Some of it Zaffre recognized from previous one on one conversations and lessons she'd had over the past days. Though most of it was a confusing mess of drawn lines, wooden pieces, and depictions of lands she didn't know.

    "As I was saying, we have to push them back, if we can lure them properly we'd be able to trap them against the Vorneri range. It would be easy pickings for the army by then," the man to Zaffre's left spoke. He'd been the voice she originally heard when approaching the tent. He was by far the youngest in appearance. His age seemed to be close to Zaffre's, a few years older. It was surprising since everyone else was seasoned fighters in the middle ages.

    The man was a race Zaffre hadn't encountered before, which made him even more intriguing. His eyes were golden, though that was hard to tell since his pupils were so large. Only a sliver of the iris could be seen in each of his eyes as his pupils filled most of the space with inky black. His skin was normal, a pale beige, aside from two stripes that came down from his temples and ended just past the apples of his cheeks. They were reminiscent of a badger, a similar dark color as well. He seemed to hold the ferocity of the animal as well.

   The others in the tent, mostly humans and elves, seemed to mull over his words for a moment. Zaffre didn't think it was a half-bad idea, the Vorneri mountains were large with a ton of space to do what he was suggesting. However, she didn't think he was taking one major detail into account.

    "The mountains could work to set up an ambush, but most of the range is in Aberon territory. Familiar terrain for our opponents, and not for us. The section of the Vorneri that could be used is much closer to our borders than I think anyone would be okay with as well," Zaffre started quiet, but when no one objected to her voice she gained strength as she continued. The soldiers seemed quietly roused.

    "I agree with Zaffre, the logistics of setting up a trap of that size is also against us. We need something more concrete to plan with," Maverick spoke this time. He was a commander she'd trained with and Zaffre was glad for his support. Badger as she'd nicknamed the striped man seemed miffed to have his idea turned down. She wasn't too fond of the expression on a lieutenant. Being turned down wasn't something to be upset over in war.

    "How do we move forward then? At this rate, we're going to be in a stalemate till the end of time. With a country with so few resources as well! It's absurd." The woman in the corner made her opinion known. Her words brought a furrow to Zaffre's brow.

    "How are they fending our forces off so well? I've always been taught that Aberon was mostly a wasteland, but it's been more than three decades of fighting and they're not letting up." She swished her tail while waiting for an explanation, but her question seemed like one without an answer. They lapsed into silence as the experienced individuals were left without proper words. Some seemed to be trying to gather a solid thought but drew a blank.

    "We don't know," Maverick finally stated, melancholy in his words.

     "It's like more fighters come out of nowhere. We wipe out a soldier and another two are in our faces." Robert was solemn as he continued the discussion. The previously youthful determination in Badger disappeared with the seriousness of the older army men. The way they almost whispered their statements made Zaffre wonder what sort of horrors they'd faced on the battlefield. It didn't give her any hope for when she was finally on the front lines.

    "We've tried to come up with an idea of how they could have developed the armies and materials they do, but it seems impossible in a desert nation like Aberon," the only other woman present added. "So many lives lost."

Word Count-1336


Sorry for making y'all wait sooo long! Hopefully, a slightly longer chapter makes up for it. I should be able to get the next one out sooner as I have more ideas for it! In any case, it'll come out within the month I promise! Zaffre may even be out in the field at some point in the next one. So she and Freya may spill some blood. That was a bit morbid., sorry. In any case, I hope you enjoyed it. I'll talk to you again soon. 

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