chapter four - ...well, better than the alternative. (a map of the sky)

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TW: mention of unethical experimentations

Read it with music:

3 AM. Meg closed another file.

"What if we don't find anything?"

Everyone was worn out. At night, only some candles and the moon itself would light the library. Almost all the files had been checked already, and nothing seemed to have stimulated Meg's memory. Some missing persons' descriptions were very detailed, but none of them was actually matching her profile.

"That's quite discouraging," Christopher said.

Kaito and Meg nodded. The time traveller stood up, her whole body was numb.

"Stranger things than death can happen to lab rat girls and pretty white rabbits..."

"What did you just say?"

"Oh, that's from a song. It simply crossed my mind."

"Meg, could it be possible that..."

Christopher stood up and looked down at Meg. Kaito raised his head from the paper he was reading.

"You managed to master Photon transformation, right?"


"And, as far as we know, the only side effect you experienced is some physical weakness."


"You know it's a really rare thing for someone who hasn't been trained before."

"That shows there is something special in me."

"Meg, that shows you have been trained. Your body has been taught to be resistant."

Meg frowned and crossed her arms. Kaito said:

"We can't deny that her condition right now is similar to what the others and I experienced during our first years of training. But that resistance could be caused by something else, something we don't know."

"And something you didn't find during the analyses."

He turned to Meg.

"I cannot tell if the training you went through was the same as Kaito's. Yet, there are different things we are sure of: you are not very muscular but your body has a high resistance to unnatural things. It would be interesting to see how your liver is doing, considering how much you seem to be drinking."

"Thinking about that, we skipped dinner," Kaito said with a lazy voice. "How about we go upstairs and grab a bite?"

He was about to stand up, but Christopher stopped him.

"I wasn't done talking, Kaito."

"Then go on. I'm actually very hungry."

Sorry, just breaking the 4th wall one more time. I just wanted to say I love their dynamics.

Yeah, that was all. Now let's go back to the story:

Christopher turned to Meg. She had sat down on the table, among the papers.

"I have never heard any of those songs you have been singing. Somehow, they must be related to your past life. I don't want to sound like I am blindly following their meaning, but I think you must actually have been a lab rat girl."

"Does that make you two the rabbits? Kaito the pretty one, and you the white one..."

She pointed at his hair and smirked. Yeah, they were really tired.

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