chapter nine - Allies or Enemies (this will be the death of me)

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Author's notes: I hate being heartbroken. As most of you, I guess. That may sound very paradoxical, but I love seeing happy and healthy couples, people who prove it's possible to love and be loved.

That is also the reason why I love to write romance. Not entire novels about it, but all my stories have a little magic of love inside. I may have written this chapter at the same moment I had enough of my ex-bf ghosting me. Putting an end to our relationship was a big win for me. Somehow, I lowered my standards when I shouldn't have. Just as those two.

Don't think fictional romances aren't 100% impossible in real life because they are fictional. There is no shame in wishing for respect, trust me.

Enjoy this chapter <3 I wanted to make it cute, as a little break before the angst comes back. I hope it works.

TW: swearing

Read it with music:

"My, my... If I could expect that. The Tenjo and Arclight families working together again, after all those years..."

Luna unbuttoned her coat and looked at herself in her bedroom's mirror. Her investigations had been, somehow, successful.

At first, her idea was to gather random information and maybe find something about Meg's case. After all, she knew that story about the Arclights acting strangely wasn't really big deal, simply some common paranoia. Something that she could easily get rid of, but that she understood. After half an hour without anything interesting to be heard, she decided to check on her friends, without bothering them. She was pleased to hear that they were ready to work together again. Things were about to change, certainly to get better.

Next, she went back inside, told Dr Faker she had someone to see somewhere else and left the gala discreetly. She went by that river which was crossing the entire city, like a big dark blue scar.

"You are late, Luna."

Shark did not bother getting out of his motorbike.

"Sorry about that," the woman said. "Did you manage to find what I told you about?"

She came closer to the motorbike. The engine was still on.

"Here is all I found. I crossed worlds for that, so obviously I expect some payback."

Luna smiled warmly. She took the package Shark gave her.

"I won't forget about that. Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Any time."

The motorbike pulled away and quickly disappeared in the darkness of the night.

The package was now on Luna's desk. She was curious to know its content but decided to wait until she could show it to the others. One thing was certain: it was very heavy, which means they would have more than pages to read.

At that point, everyone else at the Heartland Tower was already sleeping. But interesting things also happened earlier in the night.

The first thing Dr Faker, Kaito and Meg saw, as they entered the tower's living room, was that Haruto had fallen asleep on the couch, with books surrounding him.

"I'll put him to bed," the scientist said. "Go get some rest, you two. See you tomorrow."

"Good night, dad."


At night, one could think that the tower was a space station floating away from Earth. There was no noise to be heard, and the city lights could only be seen by looking down. This void was, somehow, soothing.

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