chapter eleven - Monkey Tree (all the clues life gives us)

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Read it with music:

TW: science explained badly by someone who scored 11/20 at her science baccalaureate, sexual innuendoes, mention of abuse

"You two, together? Ah, but I knew it already."

Kaito almost choked with his coffee. Meg let out a discreet "fuck" that wasn't discreet enough. Dr Faker gave her a death stare. The three of them were enjoying breakfast in the tower's kitchen. Well, enjoying it their way. The weekend had just started.

"You're lucky that Haruto is still sleeping. Anyway, of course, I knew it. You two make a nice pair, you can do your things. Just be sure to keep making them quietly enough so I don't have to..."


The scientist smiled and took a sip of coffee.

"Calm down Kaito, I'm joking. So, what are you two going to do today? Did Meg's dreams speak again?"

The two young people made eye contact, Meg answered:

"I guess we'll have to go back to the Arclight manor today. We need to take a fresh look at the archives, now that we know my real name. I'm Maria."

She seemed to have partially overcame the fear of saying it. She nervously played with her half-filled coffee cup. White coffee, of course. Or latte, call it the way you want. Dr Faker's eyes widened.

"Oh, finally something surprising. You will be able to reduce the amount of information you have to search through."

"Yeah... I wished I could have dreamed of it two nights ago."

The scientist shrugged.

"Sometimes things need time to come to you, that's the disadvantage when you don't have control over them. Happily, it seems that you two have a very dedicated friend. Luna left in a hurry yesterday night, I'm pretty sure she has something for you."

Meg looked down at her coffee cup. It was impressive, the way this man could keep a complete control over things. How did he manage to fall five years ago?

"Fine," the time traveller said. "Today's grocery shopping day as well. I think I'll go in this afternoon, probably around 5."

"So this leaves us a couple of hours to see what Luna has for us, and meet Chris," Kaito concluded.

He had just finished his coffee. Meg emptied her own cup and put everything in the dishwasher. It was still early in the morning, but they all knew that Luna was already working in the laboratory. The assistant wasn't allowing herself any break, she seemed to have dedicated her entire life to research. No one was questioning that choice, she certainly had her own reasons for acting this way.

One thing was certain, she would never quit her habits.

"I was waiting for you."

Luna had her white coat on and was analysing samples on a complicated machine. The mysterious package was next to her. She pointed at it and said:

"Meg, this is for you."

"What is it?"

"No idea. I told my informer about your case and he gave me that. Don't worry, I'm sure it won't explode."

Meg nodded and grabbed the package. She had difficulties lifting it, she made it slide away from the machine (which was very noisy) and sat on the table next to it. Kaito put on his own white coat and joined her.

"Why can't I have a coat like that?" the time traveller complained.

"Do you have a PhD?" the young man replied.

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