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3 hours later it was 6:00 in the afternoon.

Jess-"frankie, Blair hey!"
Frankie & blair-"Hey!"

The 3 girls hugged.

Frankie-"im blair"
Blair-"and i'm frankie"
Jess-"guys you're ment to be superheros or disney characters"
Blair-"I told you that"
Alice-"hey bitches"
Alice-"guess who I am?"
Frankie-"a person?"
Alice-"what!? No!? I'm Jess"
Alice-"yep, I'm Jess and pipa...was here but now she's not. She's a tampon"
Pipa-"hi you guys guess what I am?"
Pipa-"oh my god how did you know?"
Jess-"I'm...good at..guessing, you're ment to be superheros or disney characters"
Pipa-"this is insane I told you Alice"
Alice-"no you didn't"
Pipa whispers-"did"
Alice whispers-"didn't"
Jess-"enough stop arguing who said what!"

While they were arguing Tori was in her room she got dressed and heard a noise in her moms room so she went to see what it was. Once she got to her moms room she saw a guy going through the draws, Tori took a lamp and went ove round the guy.

Tori-"whatcha doing?"
Guy-"hey I'm...giving whoever this room is new clothes"
Tori-"wheres the clothes?"

The guy pulls a knife out

Tori-"oh fuck!, would you kill a 14 year old?"
Guy-"no.. no I'm not that type of robber but jf it come to it I will!"
Tori-"uh huh"

The guy saw Tori going to get the phone but the he runs at Tori holding the knife up and Tori got scared so she hit the guy over the head with the lamp.
The guy fell on Tori and she pushes him back.

Tori-"ew God no get off Ugh, oh shit why is there blood? why is there blood? Why am I talking to myself?"

Tori checked for a pulse and she could find one os she knew he was dead she started to get shaken up and tear up.

Tori-"shit, shit, no, no, no, please, no"

Tori runs downstairs and goes over to her mom. By goes walk so she doesn't let anyone know somethings wrong.

Jess-"hey honey looks who's here"
Jess-"hey baby what's wrong?"
Tori-"uh...I um...I think I...killed someone"
Jess-"keep your voices down, what do you mean honey"
Tori-"this..this guy was going through the draws and he came at me with a knife and I hit him over the head...with a lamp...then his head started bleeding. I killed a guy"

Jess pulls Tori into a hug

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