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They all went back tot he house and they went back up to Tori's room.

Tori-"forgot he was there"
Jess-"okay let's get rid of it"
Tori-"and how the hell are we ment to do that?"
Alice-"easy....um....uh...yeah I dont know"
Pipa-"there is a shovel in the up area"
Pipa-"-thats what that's called?"
Tori-"uh ye yeah yes"
Jess-"Tori sweetie you get the shovel and you guys help me with the body and take it put side to the grass area"
Blair-"wait we're buring him"
Jess-"yeah now come on before she gets nightmares"
Tori-"I'm already getting nightmares so I'm might end up sleeping with you...again"

Tori went up into the attic and saw a box of divorce paper she went to look init and found out her mom and dad got a divorce without her knowing. Tori got the shovel and went back down.

Jess-"oh god"
Blair-"hes stinks"
Frankie-"I stink more"
Aloce-"he's so cute"
Pipa-"Alice! That's very inappropriate"
Tori-"got the shovel, mom why don't we just cl the police they know it would he an accident"
Jess-"Tori!,I dont want you to call the police cause I don't want you going to jail okay listen to me please!"

Frankie starts digging a hole enough for the guy to fit in the hole.

Alice-"okay let's get him in"

Tori helped them put the body in but then she fell in the hole with the body.

Jess,Alice, amd Blair-"fuck!"
Pipa, and frankie-"shit!"
Tori-"I'm okay"

The helped Tori out of the hole.

Tori-"theres blood on my floor in my room"
Jess-"I'll clean it, I do it everyday"
Tori-"not my fault I make it messy"
Jess-"whos is it the ghost"
Tori-"exacly a ghost, you might wanna fill it up"
Frankie-"ya think"
Tori-"no I don't you think, you should"

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