(~{Headcanons}: Pilot Dib stalking.~)

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• When you first moved to the skool and met everyone in your class. Dib was all over you. It got to the point where Mrs. Bitters had to spray water on him to get Dib off you.

•You noticed slight changed to your room. Like you put your perfume bottle on your desk, and you find it on your nightstand, or your bathroom. Even you're under garments you'd find some missing, even the used one.

• You'd even find your window open slightly, like someone came in and came out of the window but forgetting to close it all the way? Mind you, your window is right by your bed. 

•Thinking you were sleepwalking you set up a camera to maybe have a funny video.  But it wasn't funny or hilarious, it was scary. 

Rays of sunshine peeked out of your curtain and shined on your figure. Your eye's flutter open and remembered you videotaped yourself. getting up was a struggle, you were so tired you stayed up all night trying to sleep excited to make a funny video. Shaking it off and walking towards your bookshelf. Moving some books out of the way you grab the camera. Yes, you hid the camera. you didn't want to sleepwalk and grab the camera or something, so you hid it. 

Sitting back on your bed you pressed a button and turned on the video, which was 9 hour long, so you sped through it. Until you saw a shadow on your window. 

''Wait is that, Dib?'' You thought. Putting it to normal speed and rewinding it a little you watched what was before your eyes. You heard your neighbors dog barking, than sounded like foot steps on the roof of your bedroom.  Then a thin tall figure walk up to your window. It wasn't locked (You forgot to lock it stupid!) but the weird figure bent over. Finally showing his head, and weird hair cut. Yep definitely Dib. 

"I thought he was done having a crush on me?!" You thought to your self. 

• After that incident you put extra locks on your windows and house. (With dads and moms' permission of course.)

• It couldn't get any worse right? Well, it did the membrane household invited your family over. 

•Your dad works for the membrane company and needs to talk about plans to build a bracelet with Mr. Membrane.

• Hoping your dad will let you stay home. 

He didn't.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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