Father's day special

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Lee: *holding a checklist* now since father's day is coming near, I should be prepared for anything and last minute one
battletasque: meow *smirk*
Lee: don't you dare do the stunt ever again with T.M and me
battletasque: *giggles*
Lee: anyway hope other brought their dad and future father in law
battletasque: meow?
Lee: yeah including father in law and step dad, since my adopted goat dad is gone with me *look at his hand and see he upside down heart* heh can't believe I have determination, patience, bravery, integrity, perseverance, kindness, justice and monster soul something charlie(B.F) tell me that im a demon or human in mothers day, maybe darkner is demon and lightner is human
battletasque: meow *waiting patiently for a phone call*

*at hell*

ash: dad lets go!
blitzo: *watching mlp friendship is magic* give me couple of minutes to finish this episode
ash: are you serious dad
blitzo: leave me alone I'm watching
ash: *sigh and call his father in law*

*at the goetia palace*

ren: hey via ready for a disaster father's day
octavia: yeah
ren: at least my adopted father is coming
octavia: I heard lucifer is coming
ren: yep gonna be a huge disaster
octavia: yeah
ren: hope we won't end up just like your parents
octavia: yes of course
*stolas came*
stolas: hello lovely birds *smirk*
*octavia and ren blused*
stolas: so whats for today?
ren: oh my adopted dad coming with us
octavia: I mean you have your adopted dad, now you have your future step-dad aka my dad and *sigh* blitzo
ren: its okay via
*a phone ring and the butler bring to stolas*
stolas: *pick the phone* hello?
ash:*phone* hey stolas can you tell blitzo that he need to prepared to the special restaurant
stolas: can you put a speaker on?
ash: *phone and turn on speaker* dad heres stolas
stolas: oh blitzy~ remembers to come for our future step kids and potential grandkids
*blitzo heard from stolas and got shiver*
ash: *phone* he got the memo stolas
stolas: nicely
ash: *phone* ok thanks and see the restaurant
*phone call ended*
stolas: so this is very interesting
ren: yeah
octavia: ugh

*at Lucifer place*

manzana: (ok, you can do this, charlie agree to this) hey lucifer I wanna invited you to a restaurant with me and charlie
lucifer: *sitting his throne room* hmm, is the restaurant owner worthy of my time?
manzana: yes sure (hope lee prepared to meet lucifer)
lucifer: ok but I might want to fight him or not
manzana: are you sure about it
lucifer: yes.

*at axl company*

axl: *check the calendar* nice, now imps and hellhounds have a huge feast for them and 1 week off
*walk to to the window*
axl: I have time to play my adopted daughter and hope my grandparents is ok
*someone snuck in*
axl: very nice ski for your silent enter and scare them by surprise
ski: pow
axl: excellent
ski: pow
axl: lets go skill
ski: pow *smile and hop on axl back for a piggy back ride*

axl: *check the calendar* nice, now imps and hellhounds have a huge feast for them and 1 week off*walk to to the window*axl: I have time to play my adopted daughter and hope my grandparents is ok*someone snuck in*axl: very nice ski for your silent...

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axl: hope aren't late for the restaurant
ski: pow

* at the restaurant*

Lee: if I know anything about dads, I need to prevent fights just in case since their kids are coming with them
battletasque: meow
Lee: yeah I have a special armor from a friend
battletasque: meow?
Lee: I went to a different timeline and to buy it.......
battletasque: meow
Lee: let me explain to you

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