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chapter three, season seven episode thirteen

     A POSITIVE PREGNANCY TEST SAT on Victoria's (well, really Mark's) bathroom sink top. She had been pregnant once before during college, but suffered a heartbreaking miscarriage. Well, heartbreaking to most people. Not so much to her. Children weren't particularly on the list at the time (and neither is it now). The baby daddy left her when she found out she was pregnant, which caused the stress-induced loss of the baby. Flash forward roughly sixteen years later, the blood bath still haunted her memories, even though she didn't want the baby.

Victoria's mind went blank: she couldn't think, she couldn't speak, she couldn't make any noise.


Having a baby was at the top of her worries list at the moment. She couldn't do it. She couldn't grasp the plus sign her cold and dark eyes were staring at. It was like the stick was a chokehold over her chance of being free, free from responsibility and commitment.

"Tor, let's go! We can't be late," Mark's voice came through from the other side of the bathroom door before he barged in, needing to brush his teeth after her fixed himself a bowl of oatmeal.

Victoria was quick enough to toss the pregnancy test in the trash can. She let out a big breath. "Jesus, Mark. Learn to knock. What if I was naked?"

His face held a smirk, "Well—"

"That was a rhetorical question." The Shepherd woman interrupted, not needing his opinion. "I will be waiting for you in the living room. Hurry up, Mark!"

Mark made a face at her mocking, letting her leave. The brunette smiled weakly, leaving the bathroom before heading into the living room so she could put her shoes on for work. Three minutes later, her shoes were on and Mark's teeth were pearly clean. He let out a big breath before grabbing his keys and grabbing his signature leather jacket, while Victoria slipped on her winter coat with her favorite dark blue infinity scarf.

"Ready to roll?"


The two were out the door, soon talking about whose car they were gonna take. But if only Mark hadn't seen Thomas carrying boxes to Tori's apartment door, the man pulling keys out his pocket. Mark wrapped his arm around Tori. "Keep your head down. Don't turn around."

"What? Why?" She didn't listen, deciding to duck out of his arm, turning around to find Thomas. "Oh."

"Tor." Tommy spoke, a bit nervous. He nodded towards the tall suitor with Victoria, "Sloan."

"I think you should leave—"

Mark was cut off by a very livid Victoria. "Why are you carrying full boxes, filled with your stuff to my apartment?"

"I bought out our subletters, Tor." He smiled, hoping she would lighten up. "Isn't that great? You don't look like you think that's great..."

"They were my subletters, Thomas." Vic growled lowly, taking the box out of her ex-boyfriend's hands and tossing it on the ground. "My lack of interest in being with you is not me playing hard to get. You lied to me. You turned our perfect relationship upside-down after I gave you my all, trying to help you. You walked away because you just can't help but self-sabotage. You're selfish, so I don't want to see you. You're unreliable, so I don't want to see you. I just can't believe you had the actual audacity to leave me after all I did for you, Thomas. If I let you back into my life, I know I will be hurt, again. So that is not an option. This isn't me making excuses, and this isn't me making a cry for help. You made your choice, and now you have to respect that I don't want to see you. So get out while you still can. Get your crap out of this building, and find somewhere else."

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