1. What Is It Good For?

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Prompt: It's chaos all around you, but for a split second you look up and across the battlefield. What do you see or what emotion do you feel? Can you make us experience the moment in just 100 words?

Silence settled over the dry, gray plain of the barren battlefield. I slowly lowered back down into the trench, old bones groaning.

"Scared, sir," came a young, shaky voice behind me.

I peered back over the trench lip, arthritis spiking. "Ignore it."


I didn't need to turn to feel the rushing heart, the tightening lungs. Fresh meat.

A low rumble started. Small pebbles began to vibrate and dance in front of my eyes, dust rising and swirling into the acrid air.

"Get up," I said, swapping the USB stick in my M18 and chambering a fresh round. "Welcome to the Merry-Go-Round."

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