6. At The Library

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Horror and Action Mashup

Prompt: Exactly what it says, write us a mashup of the two above-mentioned genres. What are the prompt specifics? Nope, that's it, the rest is up to your imagination.

Required Word Count: 1,200

The glass doors slid open.

Serra and Brittany rushed in from the pouring rain. Thunder cracked throughout the dark skies as the doors slid closed behind them, shielding the inside of the library from the wind and rain. A last gust of wind snuck in, making the orange and black streamers flitter and twist from where they adorned the walls and ceilings.

"Happy Halloween," the Librarian called.

"Hey Miss C.," Serra said. Her septum and labret piercings jangled loudly as she shook the water from her hair; she made her way across the lobby to the giant kiosk. Brittany slowly followed behind, face buried in her phone.

"I left my USB stick here when I was using one of the computers yesterday," Serra said, water dripping from her ear helixes and running coldly down her neck.

"Oh, yes, dear," the Librarian said, leaning to her side to reach under the counter. She plopped a giant, beige purse on the desktop. "But it's actually a vape."

Serra's eyes widened. "Oh, I—I didn't know that. Really. I just use it for whatever."

"Uh-huh." The Librarian began rummaging through her giant purse. "You should know—"

A cigarette lighter fell out of the bag, bouncing down to the floor in front of Serra's feet.

"Miss C.!" Serra said. She bent down to pick up the cheap plastic BIC lighter. "You smoke?"

"Smoking is super-bad for you," Brittany said disapprovingly, not looking up from her phone.

"Holy shit, Miss C.," Serra said, nodding her head approvingly. "That hits on a whole different level."

"That's enough, girls." The Librarian held out her hand. "Just give me—"

The lights went out.

The heater that had been humming loudly in the background before fell silent; it slowly whirred down, a low thrum that faded away into complete silence. The only sound was the rain pounding outside, thumping on the roof and tapping against the giant, glass windows.

Serra looked around, not able to see much in the blackness—the glow of Brittany's cell phone blurrily bloomed from over her shoulder, a soft orb of luminance hovering around them.

"Everything's dead," the Librarian said, reaching over to tap on her keyboard. "Can't get—"

A scream came from the darkness.

"What's happening?" Serra whispered, her heart pounding.

"Quickly, girls," the Librarian said, hurrying out from behind the kiosk. "Out the front. Brittany, call the police."

"No service," Brittany said, eyes stricken.

The large glass front doors wouldn't open. They all tried to pry between the doors, to use their palms and force the thick panes of glass to slide apart, but all to no avail.

"We'll never get through," the Librarian said.

"Break it," Serra said.

"That glass isn't just ballistic-proof, it's explosive-proof," the Librarian said. "But there's an emergency exit in the back, through the old part of the library."

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