Chapter 1

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  Chapter 1

Olive Maddock


          "As long as we both shall live-", Colette dramatically sighs as she makes the two dolls kiss, making their wood faces press a little too violently together,"- you may kiss the Queen to be!"

          I couldn't help but let out a chuckle as my younger sister throws the wooden dolls into their house with a loud bang, she then steps in front of the house facing me. With a bashful pose she sticks her tongue out at me," would you give them some privacy Olive? I think it's common sense to let them celebrate in peace!"

        "And what exactly would you know about that Colette?", I challenge her to tell me more, knowing that I would make a big fuss to our parents just out of pure spite to embarrass her. Whatever Colette knows is from children in town, whose parents don't keep a close enough eye on. That's led her to be gossiping about such things.

       Colette's checks burn a deep crimson red and she storms off into the hallway, leaving me in her room alone. I picked up the beautifully painted dolls, caressing them in my hands. The male and female both had deep dents from Colette carelessly tossing them around the house and yard. The male had many grass stains on his clothes, but Colette refused to let anyone wash them or fix them up. It made them more "realistic" she claimed. The bottom of the females dress was worn and tattered.

        With a grunt I was up on my feet, walking out of her empty room. My dress hung low along the floor, our polished floors did it no harm. I wasn't wearing anything grand, but only a simple dress to lounge in. Hair was pulled back from my face, there was no one to impress in our empty castle. But we were to always look presentable as Princesses. My bare feet carried me down our staircase where I found Annora, my elder sister, leaning against the kitchen island. She's been off these last few days, seeming to do whatever she can to be alone. I guess even going as far as standing in the kitchen.

       "You worry too much, you'll wrinkle", I comment on her furrowed eyebrows in deep thought. Her blond curls dance along the side of her face, shielding her from the world. At my voice she stands up straight and brushes off the front of her ivory dress that wrinkled slightly from leaning on it. Annora goes to escape the room, but I put my arm out in front of her," why don't you talk to me before tomorrow Annora? I'm not completely useless you can talk to me about what's going on with you"

        "You are useless Olive, for you don't have the slightest clue of what I'm going through. So there is absolutely nothing you can do to help my situation, do me a favor and get out of my way", Annora was harsh with her words as she spit them at me but they bothered me none. She always had a victim complex to her, that she was going through something that no one could relate to. Tomorrow weighed on her more than I could ever imagine, an arranged marriage couldn't be easy on anyone. I don't budge from where I stand in front of her and she narrows her eyes at me," out of my way"

        "You haven't left your room in days Annora, why are you so sure you can't come to me?", my arms fold stubbornly across my chest," do you not wish to be married? Speak to mother and father about it and maybe they can arrange for you to marry someone else-"

       "See Olive that just shows how much of an imbecile you are! This has nothing to do with being married to Gerold. I've never even met the man how could I form a proper opinion on him based from that? It's so much more than your simple mind can wrap it's way around", Annora just shakes her head, her blond curls bouncing around from the movement. Her cold blue eyes practically stabbing through me,"even if I told you. You wouldn't believe me. Mother decided not to tell you and Colette, for reasons beyond me"

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