Chapter 4

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                            Chapter 4

                    Gentle Cassian


      I can't recall the first time I sat on the edge of the dock in the later hours of the night. My feet were far from the vicious water below. As each wave breaks I can feel a light spray of the salt against my bare legs. Crashing against the large wooden beams supporting the dock. No visiting ships were docked, as our port had closed at sundown. The last of the trades had finished up before the last ship left, disappearing over the horizon. You'd think when a Royal was missing all of this would come to a halt.

     I only know that I do visit often, sneaking out of my room to listen to the ocean. I had no intention on ever sailing the waters before me, maybe the merchants stories of ships lost at sea frightened me. I've never even stood on a boat. Never really had a reason to, father had men organize the ships out. There was also the pirates, who show no mercy. Horror stories fill my mind quickly that I'd heard around town. Voyagers were powerless against them. Unless a longship of Vikings or Merchants could outnumber and overpower the pirates.

My long brunette hair, circles around my frame as a sudden gust of wind blows behind me. It temporarily blocks my vision of the sea, a cold chill rolls down my spine. Chocolate curls cloud my vision. Sitting on the dock was bittersweet. The wind always pushes me back to the comfort of my bed after some time.

   I lift myself up and look once more at the infinite ocean before walking back up the docks. Large woven rope was laid lazily along the wooden floor. I'm careful to step over them in the darkness as not to trip and accidentally fall. To the far left our own ships were gently rocking in the water. If you paid close enough attention you could see them sway ever so slightly. Our townspeople were quiet at night. Soundlessly sleeping before another day of work. It was easy to slip past the guards in the darkness, I was one with the shadows. Except for tonight, the guards were still out prowling for my lost sister. Day 3 of her disappearance and the guards were growing restless. Cassian stands at the start of the dock, with his jacket off all ready to lay across my shoulders to warm me. With the hustle of guards there was no way I'd be able to sneak through the streets by myself. So I convinced my father to let me out with Cassians close watch.

Cassian is hesitant to speak at all to me. His quietness was soothing. After all my mind has enough to say for us both. My head found it's way onto his chest, his arms wrapping around me. I know his worry was ever growing with each passing day. He was uneasy.

"Come to bed with me?", I'm quiet to request. I've never done anything more with Cassian then shared kisses. But I preferred when he would sneak in to comfort me at night. A small smile creeps onto his mouth, a small dimple creasing at the corner.

"As you wish, Princess", his voice was smooth like melted caramel. It brought me such comfort and peace just listening to him speak. Large hands grab my face as he brings me closer to him. With a slight tilt of his head he presses his lips gently against mine.

Cassian grabs my hand gently to lead me towards my towering castle. We both know the back way to my room by heart, we'd traveled this way plenty of times. The guards roaming made it a tad more difficult but nothing we couldn't handle. I didn't want my father knowing about Cassian joining me to my quarters, so sneaking in was the only way. The climb to my suite was a hardship on its own. But thankfully coordinated bricks were slightly out of place. Perfect for my foot to balance on. Cassian allowed me to climb first, thankfully I had worn flats to the docks. The tree beneath my window hid the castle wall perfectly in the moonlight. It's as if it were intended that way. In no time I was sliding into my room and landing softly in the floor. Careful not to make a sound. Cassian was quick to follow behind me, he has perfected the act of climbing through my bedroom window better than I had.

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