Chapter 5

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                             Chapter 5

                 No Maiden to Entertain


       My heart is thick in my throat building from pure fear. I never slid the grate closed. I watch in anticipation as the grate noisily moves out of place. I stare at the Viking head lower down in front of me. His dark eyes looking right through me as if I was made of glass. Chilling. With the Vikings angered expression I'm quick to vomit whatever lies in my stomach. Having missed breakfast, isn't much.

        Disgust registers on his face after watching me hurl over, with a shaking head I'm grabbed by the arm. I'm in a coughing fit trying to catch my breath. I attempt to keep my chest from contracting in as the gagging continues. He practically drags me out from under the deck. My body parts being hit multiple times on the wood. With a final tug I'm out in fresh air, exposed to the deck. Salt water spraying my face as the boat slams against a wave.

I'm astonished at how graceful this man is on his feet with the boat swaying beneath us. However the Viking doesn't drag me along for long before I'm dropped on the floor. The uneasy feeling slightly easing with fresh air filling my lungs. 5 Viking men stand aboard the ship, all staring at me with a shocked expression. I turn around to look at the Viking that grabbed me. Animal fur is wrapped around various body parts. Thick leather keeps it secured around his wrists, ankles, chest, and waist. No doubt trapping his body heat in and keeping him warm. His long hair is pulled back out of his face and his wild beard twitches with his mouth. Small beads and various braids dangle randomly in the hair. My attention goes back to the 5 Vikings in front of me.

     "Who let her on?", the Viking that stands behind me has a deep raspy voice. He's practically growling his words," no women allowed. You all know that, if you had intentions on other acts of service then trading- keep it on damn land"

     "I am no maiden looking to entertain!", I snap from below him," your accusation is insulting"

     "Lower your tone with me Lady,"The Viking bends down in-front of me," you just snuck onto our ship. You think you have some kind of right to raise your voice in such a way?"

    "Rune- enough", Another Viking walks up to him and pushes his shoulder back. Ultimately making him take a few steps back. The Viking, Rune, shoots him a glare but allows him to approach me without a word,"this can be settled calmly. Name is Erik"

    Erik reaches down to me, offering his hand. Hesitantly I grab onto it and let the Viking pull me up onto my feet. Instantly the nausea creeps up with the rocking of the boat. I grab my stomach desperately in attempts to keep it down.

     "This your first time on a ship Lady?", he chuckles softly," bring me a barrel for her to sit on."

     Rune kicks one over and crosses his arms over his chest. Erik catches it with his foot. I can feel his eyes burning into the side of my head. All 5 Vikings are staring at me. Their stares are like spears piercing me, I feel vulnerable. Subconsciously remembering my daggers, I doubt those little things would even cut these beasts. Once I'm sat he speaks up again.

    "What's your name?"

     "My name is Olive", my arms wrap tightly around my middle, I stare at Erik to focus on anything but the cramping in my abdomen. He has bright kind eyes that seem to just pour into you. Erik is reassuring with just a simple look. He takes another glance at the Vikings around us.

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