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“Vecna's Curse”

“Vecna's Curse”

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They had both run out of Eddie's trailer after that. Scared to death, they got in Eddie's van and drove off. Avalon was crying the whole drive. She hadn't been able to help Chrissy. And now she's dead. Eddie drove them to Reefer Rick's house. "They're gonna blame me." Eddie said. Avalon shook her head. "I was there too, they'll believe me." Avalon said.

Eddie shook his head. "Nobody is gonna believe us, either of us. What we saw – I don't even know what we saw.” Eddie responds. “What happened to her? Her bones, they just – just snapped. And her eyes. Oh God, her eyes…” Avalon trails off. Eddie nods. “There wasn't anyone there either. I don't know how it happened.” Eddie says.

They finally get to Reefer Rick's. Eddie drives his van to where it's hidden. They make sure nobody is around, and run towards the boathouse in the back of the property. Eddie and Avalon search for the key that Reefer used to leave hidden. Avalon pulls the key out of the window sill, where it was hidden. “Found it.” Avalon says holding it out to Eddie.

He takes the key, and opens the door. They walk in, Eddie closing the door behind them. Avalon sits on the boat. Staring up at the ceiling. “I'm gonna go, look for food in his house.” Eddie says. Avalon nods. She doesn't know how much time has passed, when Eddie returns, with some food. “This is enough for tomorrow.” He says.

Avalon looks at the food, and sees that it's just junk food. She sighs. “I can't believe I'm going to live off of junk food.” Avalon says. Eddie looks at her with a raised eyebrow. “We're hiding from the police, and you're complaining about the food?” Eddie asks. “I'm trying to forget about what happened.” Avalon sighs. Eddie nods. They eventually fall asleep, leaning against each other.


They're both awake, eating the junk food, it was already night time. When they hear a car. They both get up quickly. And quietly go to the window, to look through it. They see several people walking to the house. “We need to hide.” Eddie says. “The boat. We hide in the boat.” Avalon says. Eddie agrees, and they walk over to the boat, lifting the tarp up. Avalon climbs in the boat, Eddie following her. And pulling the tarp over them again.

They both sit in silence, close to each other. Trying to calm down their breathing. Eddie reaches his hand towards Avalon's waist, and pulls her closer to him. Pressed against each other, they feel comfort. Even during their current situation. They always felt comfort when they're near each other.

They hear some indistinguishable yelling, from outside. After a few minutes of silence, they hear footsteps. And someone opening the door. “Hello? Is anyone home?” the person calls out. The voice sounds somewhat familiar, but Avalon can't figure out who it is. The hear the creaking of the floorboards. “What a dump.” another voice says. This voice, Avalon knows. But she doesn't move.

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