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“The Monster and the Superhero’’

“The Monster and the Superhero’’

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It hadn't taken much convincing for Avalon to believe them. She had seen her best friend dying, after all. And Eddie had also talked to her about D&D, over their years of knowing each other. But after they left, Avalon had taken out her ‘happy pills’ and taken one of them. She was tempted to take more, but Eddie had stopped her. Reminding her that overdose wasn't the best idea, since they wouldn't be able to call an ambulance because of their current situation. She had grudgingly agreed.


It was the next morning, and they were both still on edge. Eddie jumped out of the boat when they heard a car engine. Avalon tiredly followed him. They approach the window, Eddie with the broken glass bottle in hand, and Avalon with a wrench. They couldn't see anything, when the door opened, scaring both of them. Causing Avalon to throw the wrench in fright. It hit the door, barely missing who had opened the door. “Delivery service.” Dustin said happily. Steve waves at them.

“Wait. Did you just throw a wrench at me?” Dustin asked in realization. “No?” Avalon said in a questioning tone. Dustin stares at her. “Does it help if I say I didn't know it was you?” Avalon asks. Dustin nods slightly.


After they give them their food, which thank God for because they were starving, they explain the current situation. “We have some good news and some bad news. How do you prefer?” Dustin asks them. Eddie was hurriedly eating honeycomb cereal, and Avalon was eating Cheerios. “Bad news first, always.” Eddie responds. Avalon reluctantly nods. “Alright, bad news. We hacked into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our cerebro. And they're definitely looking for you, Eddie. Also they're pretty convinced you killed Chrissy. And that you kidnapped Avalon.” Dustin explains.

“Like, a hundred percent kind of convinced.” Max adds on. “And the good news?” Avalon asks, hoping for something good. “His name hasn't gone public yet. But, if we found out, it's only a matter of time before others do too. And once that gets out, everyone and their shallow minded mothers is gonna be gunning for Eddie.” Robin says. “Hunt the freak, right?” Eddie asks. Avalon can hear a slight crack in his voice, so she reaches her hand out to comfort him. He squeezes her hand slightly. “Exactly.” Robin confirms.

“So, before that happens we need to find Vecna, kill him, and prove your innocence.” Dustin says motioning towards Eddie. “That's all Dustin? That's all?” Eddie asks. “Yeah, pretty much. That's pretty much it.” Dustin answers. “Listen I know everything Dustin is saying sounds totally delusional, but we've actually been through this kind of thing before. I mean – they have – a – a few times, and I have once. Mine was more human flesh based, and theirs was more smoked related. But, the bottom line is, collectively, I really feel like we got this.” Robin starts rambling.

Avalon looks at her slightly confused. “We usually rely on this girl who has superpowers, but – uh – those went bye-bye, so – uh –” Steve starts. “So we're technically in more of the –” Robin interrupts. “Brainstorming phase.” Max says. “Brainstorming. There it is.” Steve says, snapping his fingers. Eddie and Avalon look between the four, stunned. “There's nothing to be worried about.” Dustin says. “I think I should just talk to the police at this point, tell them that I killed my best friend. Actually, take me to Pennhurst.” Avalon says sarcastically.

They hear police sirens nearby, causing all of them to be worried. “Tarp, tarp!” Robin exclaims. Eddie and Avalon hide in the boat again, as the other four leave to see what's going on.


It had been a few hours since the others had left them, and it was dark outside. Eddie and Avalon were sitting on the boat, when. Avalon got a nosebleed. “I hate blood.” Avalon whined as she wiped it away with a random cloth. “Shouldn't you be used to it? Since there's accidents in cheer?” Eddie snorts. “Doesn't mean that I like it.” Avalon huffs, pressing the cloth to her nose. Eddie snorts again. “Here, let me.” He says moving her hand away, and replacing it with his own. He presses the cloth to her nose, holding it there.

They sit in silence until her nose stops bleeding. “Does this happen a lot?” Eddie asks. “Hmm?” Avalon hums in confusion. “The nosebleeds.” Eddie clarifies. “Kind of. They've been happening for the past few days. I think?” Avalon answers. Eddie nods. “But, they used to happen to me a lot. Do you not remember when I had to stop in the middle of a cheer during a pep rally?” Avalon says. Eddie nods, laughing. Avalon sticks her tongue out at him playfully.

“Oh, I remember. You had blood running down your face. And before that one of the other girls got kicked in the face.” Eddie laughs. “The girl that got kicked, deserved it. I'll admit that. But, my uniform got ruined. My dad was pissed that he had to pay for a new one.” Avalon says. “What about your mom?” Eddie asks. “She was just glad that I didn't have to go to the hospital. I don't understand how those two are still together.” Avalon shrugs. Eddie nods, even though he doesn't understand, not having known his parents very well.

“Do you think they'll be back soon?” Avalon says, changing the topic, after realizing that Eddie wouldn't be able to comment much on the previous one. “Are you getting tired of me already?” Eddie says dramatically. “Of course not. I just want to know why the police were nearby. Just in case we have to go to a different place to hide.” Avalon says. Eddie nods, and just as he's about to answer they hear noise outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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