Chapter 1

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"Murph!"I hear someone yell over the crowd of students rushing out of the library, excited for the weekend. I look up and see Iz heading my way with her signature long blue hair piled on top of her head like a rat's nest. She has become my best friend over the last 4 months of working here. I know she's coming over to talk about my weekend plans which will, as always, consist of ice cream, hardcore smut novels, and my trusty vibrator of course. "Hey Iz," I mutter as she nears my desk. She plops herself into my desk chair and sighs loudly, "What are we going to do this weekend? I'm so bored of the same old." I offer her a look of amusement as she knows I feel the same way. "We could go to the bonfire the students are having in the woods tonight." she offers with a little too much enthusiasm. I know she's been banging a student, but it may be a little too obvious if we show up at the bonfire. "I don't think that's such a good idea, we wouldn't want anyone getting suspicious of our motives with the students, now would we?" I bite out with maybe a little too much edge. She gets up to leave and I grab her arm. "Hey, I'm sorry, it's been a rough week with all the rain and shit weather, how about we hang at my place tonight and watch dumb movies?." She perks up a bit and utters, "fine, but I'm picking the movies, you always pick something boring, tonight is not a night for documentaries." She chuckles and heads off in the direction of her place at the edge of campus before I can offer a retort. I gather my stuff and trudge back to my place in the rain. Of course, I forgot my umbrella or rain jacket this morning. I head up the 4 flights of stairs to my on-campus apartment. It's old, but pretty, all red brick and high ceilings. I am, as always, greeted by my cat Bo, as he circles my legs begging for food. I fill his food bowl and then head to my bathroom to take a quick shower before Iz shows up. I shed my clothes and sigh at my reflection, 5'8", too pale and shaped like a P. I've always had a love-hate relationship with my appearance. You think after spending $6,000 on new boobs, I'd be happy with myself but that was years ago and I still feel mixed about myself. My thirties had also brought the beginning of crow's feet and forehead wrinkles. With one last lingering glance I jump into the shower and quickly scrub down before the water runs cold. As I'm pulling on my oversized sweatshirt, I hear a knock at the door. I pull open the door to Iz standing there with a bottle of whisky and an armful of sappy movies. She charges in and immediately goes for my shot glasses in the top cabinet. She has to stretch onto her tiptoes to reach them and I can't help but admire her shapely ass. "God, I need to get laid," I mumble to myself. "Are you going to keep checking me out or are we going to get trashed?" she exclaims with a smirk.

I awake with a start. I put on my glasses and check the time on my phone. It's 4 am. I know I should try and get more sleep considering I just went to bed at 1, but the nightmare has shaken me and I don't see myself being able to fall back asleep. I sigh and relocate Bo to the end of the bed and I slip on some jeans and a sweater. I think maybe some fresh air will clear my mind. I quietly sneak past Iz, who is snoring softly on the couch, and head down the stairs and out into the cool air. It's the end of September so the leaves are starting to change and the early mornings are quite chilly. The campus is well lit as I head across the stone path towards the gardens on the edge of the woods where I sometimes like to sit and relax. As I approach the edge of the woods I catch a pair of eyes through the trees. I immediately assume it's a student stumbling back to their dorm after the bonfire. I sigh and figure I should make sure they are okay. I head towards them and quickly realize it isn't a student. He's tall, probably over 6 ft considering I'm not short and he towers over me. As I approach I notice I'm not scared, or even apprehensive. He's got the most beautiful shoulder-length red hair and green eyes that you could drown in. I stop just short of where he is standing underneath a tree and before I can even utter a word, he lunges at me and everything goes black. The last thing I see is a flash of what looks like fangs.

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