Chapter 4

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Sometime later there's a knock at the door and Lochlan comes in still dressed in his casual attire. It's almost like he's trying to match me. It's a little endearing if not strange. He eyes my outfit and bare feet with a small smirk. "Are you ready for dinner?" he asks as his eyes roam back up to meet my eyes. I get up and walk over to him. "Not like I have a choice." and then I walk into the hallway and get my first look at my new prison. I hear him following behind me as I exit the room. The hallway is just as opulent as the room I've been staying in. It's all gold filigree and high ceilings. "Lead the way." I gesture to him as I have no idea where we are going. He simply starts heading down the hallway so I follow quietly behind him. I'm not feeling very talkative and I'm maybe a little nervous to meet this friend of his. We round a corner and enter a dining room. It's huge like the ballroom from Beauty and the Beast. There's a table in the center that is empty except for a plate of food at one seat. I cock my head to the side and give him a look. "What, you saw the fangs and assumed they were just for show?" I don't comment, I just take a seat at the place with the food and notice it looks to be some kind of pasta dish with tomatoes and mushrooms along with a glass of some kind of wine I think. He sits down next to me at the head of the table and I quickly realize we aren't alone. I turn around in my chair to see a man enter. He's a similar height to Lochlan, but that's where the similarities stop. He's all dark hair and caramel skin. He is also dressed casually and takes a seat next to me on the other side as opposed to sitting next to his friend. "Hello, I'm Finn." He extends a hand out to me. I take it and can feel his warmth. He's like the fire to Lochlan's ice. I bet he could warm me up I think to myself clenching my thighs at the thought. "I'm Murphy although I imagine you already know that." He chuckles and takes a drink of his wine. I turn back to my food to distract myself. I take a long swig of the wine and dig into my pasta while they start talking about football. This is not how I thought this would go I think to myself. I finish my wine and turn to ask for more, but before I can even ask another glass is put in front of me by a woman who I have yet to meet. She smiles at me and then heads back out of the room. I down that one and then decide it's time to speak up as the wine begins to make me feel warm and loose. "So, is this like a harem situation?" "Do I get to have you both, to be honest, I have a lot of pent-up frustration at the moment." Lochlan tenses like I just hit him while Finn throws his head back and laughs so loud it shakes the chandelier above us. I turn my attention to Lochlan. "You also seem pretty tense. I think I could fix that for you." I crawl into his lap with a look over my shoulder at Finn. He responds with a wink at me and a sparkle of mischief in his dark brown eyes and props his feet on the table as if he wants to watch the show. Lochlan evades my first attempt at kissing him. "You've had too much to drink." "I'm perfectly lucid. Two glasses of wine are not enough to fuck me up that bad." I counter back. I run my tongue up the side of his throat and that's when he seems to snap. He growls, actually growls as he finally takes my mouth. It's an attack more than anything else as we both fight for dominance. I vaguely remember that his friend Finn is still in the room watching us, but I don't care in the least bit. I grind down on him hard eliciting a hiss from between his clenched teeth. "That's it" he bites out as he lifts me and sets me on the table in front of him. "You want to put on a show then fine. Take your pants off." There's strange electricity in the air like we're all seconds from combusting. I push my pants down past my ass and he helps me remove them, throwing them behind his chair. He pushes me down onto my back and lowers his head to my stomach lifting my shirt as he kisses up my stomach and across my breasts taking my shirt off in the process. "She's amazing isn't she?" he points the question at Finn. I turn my head to see him still sitting with his feet propped up, but now there's an edge to his expression replacing the joking smile that was there before. All I see there now is blinding heat. "She's beautiful." he says while making eye contact with me. Lochlan continues his perusal of my body by tweaking my nipples until they are sharp points and I'm crying out and squirming. He used a hand to hold me down. "Stay still or you won't get anything." He finally starts moving his way down my body just missing where I want him as he licks the inside of my thighs. At this point, I'm panting and close to begging. Just when I'm about to snap he makes one long lick up my slit. "Ah, FUCK!" I bite out. He takes a second to look up at me to lick his lips before diving back in. I lean my head back and run my hands through his hair. I expect him to stop me, but he doesn't. "That's it, use me, grind into my face like the good little slut I know you are." I come with a loud shout that echoes through the large room. I look over to see Finn has unbuttoned his pants to start stroking himself. He's beautiful. I've never been big on sucking dick, but at this moment I want nothing more than to suck the life out of him. My attention is snapped back to Lochlan as he pulls me into his lap and then eases me onto the floor at his feet. I look up at him as I reach for the button on his pants. He grabs my wrist before I get the chance.

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