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"Should we be doing this?" Jennifer asks while sitting at the table across from Leah. "Why not?" Leah asks. "I'm just hungry." Leah shrugs.

"Me too." Jennifer admits. "What are you getting?" Leah asks. "Whatever you get." Jennifer says, not wanting Leah to spend too much money on her.

"Are you sure?" Leah asks. "Mhm." Jennifer nods. The waiter comes by and they order their food.

"This is place is really nice." Jennifer observes. "You've never been here before?" Leah asks and Jennifer shakes her head 'no'.

"John only ever took me out to dinner when it was for his business meetings." Jennifer says. "He'd make me sit on his lap, and he'd show me off to the other men. He always wanted to make them Jealous, and it worked." She shrugs.

"Jennifer can I ask you a question?" Leah asks and Jennifer locks eyes with her. "Sure." She nods. "After all the terrible things he did to you, and the way he treated you, how did you still love him? I mean- why didn't you leave?" Leah asks.

"I don't know.." Jennifer shrugs. "My mom always told me that when I loved something, I loved so hard that through all the battles, I'd still stay." She says.

"I have a problem with trying to find the good in everyone. It's like I always have sympathy for people. Even the people that hurt me." She says.

Jennifer can tell by Leah's silence that she kind of changed the mood. "I've had a lot of bad boyfriends." Jennifer chuckles.

Leah forces a smile and reaches for Jennifer's hand on the table. "It's okay." Leah says softly. "Look, I know I'm just your Lawyer, but I let all my clients know that they can come to me. Ya know, just to talk." Leah shrugs.

Jennifer smiles. "I appreciate that." Jennifer nods. "A lot.." She says sincerely since the only person she ever really had to talk to was Will, her driver.

"Alright, let's have a normal conversation. Forget about the case and everything right now." Leah says and takes her hand back.

"What's your favorite drink?" Leah asks. "Wine." Jennifer shrugs. "Wine-?" Leah cringes. "Yes. Is there a problem with that?" Jennifer giggles.

"Uh yeah. It's boring." Leah says. "No it's not! It's a French wine, and it tastes amazing." She shrugs. "But what about you?" Jennifer asks. "Nothing you would like." Leah says. "Like what?" Jennifer asks.

"Anything harder than wine." Leah says. "So liquor." Jennifer says and Leah nods. "I never go out to a bar and get wine." Leah jokes on her and Jennifer rolls her eyes.

"Well that makes sense for me because I don't go out to bars. I'd much rather get drunk off a few
glasses of wine at home, then force shots down my throat while trying not to gag everytime." Jennifer defends herself.

"Whatever Ms.Lopez." Leah smiles and Jennifer laughs.

Once their food arrives, they eat and continue to have small talk.

After finishing the meal, Leah pays and they get back in her car.

"How'd you like the food?" Leah asks, keeping her eyes in the road. "It was really good. But next time you should let me cook for you." Jennifer says.

"Deal." Leah smiles and glances at Jennifer.

Jennifer is glad she went out with Leah. It was a nice experience. Although she didn't like the questions about John. That always makes her nervous, she forgets that she has to put on an act.

Although the part about loving him isn't acting, she still needs to remember that she's the one who killed him. She can't slip up.

They arrive back to Jennifer's house and Jennifer notices Will's car isn't there. He must have gone home for the night, she doesn't mind though. He's welcome to come and go as he pleases.

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