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Mr. Kang disregarded the disturbance and kept teaching.

"Everyone please take out your workbooks and bring them too the office, two tables at a time." Mr. Kang pointed to the door, and went to sit at his desk.

The class was silent. We didn't know which table should go first and nobody wanted to make a bad impression on the first day.

"Why isn't anybody getting up?" Mr. Kang looked around the class and suddenly realized, gasped and apologized.

"Sorry I guess I didn't give very good instructions," You guess?? "You guys see the numbers on your tables?" We all nod. "Go in order to the office and drop off them off in the red bin next too the office door." We all take out our workbooks.  "Table 1 and 2 go first." 

Garam turns to speak to us. "Guys, did you see the Baekhyun's new music video??" Here we go again. 

"Of course who hasn't!! Baekhyun looked so hot, I swear he is the only person who can pull off a mullet" says Na-yeon.

"I know right, he was singing about someone, he was singing it to me." Garam says as she put her hands on her heart and looked up at the ceiling, being all dramatic.

"This is definitely his best comeback yet, do you guys want to go to the Kpop Store and buy the album with me after school?" I ask. Hey I would be lying if I said it wasn't good.

"I guess I could go, I don't have anything else to do besides argue with my mom, which I have much joy doing." Na-yeon said, with a shrug.

"Okay I don't even know why you asked that when you know I'm going to say yes." Garam says while laughing.

"Tables 3 and 4 you're up"

Oh that's us. The 3 of us get up and grab our work book, and so does the Bangtan Boys. All 10 of us walk to the door and into the long hallway, its about a 4 minute walk to the office. We are walking in the hallway and me, Na-yeon, and Garam are talking about which short cut we are going to take to get to the store after school. I cant help but to get distracted because this workbook is heavy. God how much does this weigh? 10 tons god damn. Its been 30 seconds and I'm struggling at this point, and so are Na-yeon and Garam. My workbook slips out of my hands and makes a loud noise when it hits the ground.


I immediately stop walking, and bent down to pick it up, totally forgetting that the Bangtan Boys were right behind me. Jimin bumped into me, making him trip but catching himself before he fell too the floor. I quickly pick up the book and bowing too him, apologizing. I must be crazy, why am I apologizing he bumped into me? Must be out of habit.

For the first time ever all 7 boys were looking at me. "Oh its okay, it was kind of my fault I wasn't looking where I was going." he chuckles. I just nod, not wanting to make this a big deal. "I don't think we have met, I'm Jimin."  Why does need to introduce himself, like we don't know who he is? "Believe me I know who you are." I laugh, trying to make this situation not awkward. "Oh so then you know the others too I'm guessing?" pointing too the others. I nod and say. "That's Namjoon, that's Seokjin, that's Yoongi,  that's Hoseok,  Taehyung, and.." I turn my head to look at Jungkook who was already looking at me with an expression that I couldn't read "..Jungkook." I finish after taking a 3 second pause before saying his name.

Jungkook is looking at me am I dreaming? I swear to god if he keeps looking at me I'm going to make a run for it- 

"Hey, he just asked what your name was."  Taehyung says quite rudely.

"Oh sorry I didn't hear him, name is Lim Yoon." shit. He sounds pissed. " Oh yeah and these are my best friends Garam and Na-yeon." Both of them look at me like I'm crazy, then they turned to them and bowed respectfully. " We sit behind you guys, in class." Garam says.

"Well Yoon, Garam, and Na-yeon its nice to meet you guys, we should all be friends." Jungkook says out of nowhere. What? did I hear that right or am I hallucinating.  "Okay then consider us friends" Na-yeon says as she smiles, and grabs both of us by our arms and continues walking to the office to drop off the workbooks, that i totally forgot existed.

We get back to the classroom and sit down at our table. The Bangtan boys sit Infront of us like they are supposed too.

After the other tables got back from the office, Mr. Kang started teaching again. Around 4 hours later its 12:30pm and i really have to pee.

I raise my hand and ask too use the washroom. Mr. Kang let me go so I walk to the front of the class and grab a pass, and walk out the door. God why does this class have to be so long. I miss last year when we had class periods, now we just have one class the whole year. I make it to the bathroom and do my business, wash my hands then leave. I was about to walk back to class when I see Jungkook at the water fountain drinking water. God how does one look so hot drinking water? What is wrong with me today, I thought he was attractive last year but it wasn't this bad. Maybe its the hair, Its longer than last year that's for sure.

"You done staring?" He asks wiping his mouth with his hand.

"Me?" Of course me who else is in this hallway idiot.

"Is there anyone else near us Yoon?" He asks with his back to the wall looking at me.

"Well no, and I wasn't staring." I'm a fucking liar.

"So what you're saying is, that looking at someone for 1 minute while they're drinking water isn't staring?" He says with a slight chuckle.

Fuck. "Well yes it is but how would you know I was staring at you unless you were staring at me." haha you cant fool me.

" I was staring at you." 


His WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora