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Y/N: Woah woah. Let me get this straight. You guys have been spying on us this whole time?

Sofia: Well...Not technically spying, per se. We were just checking if you and Tari were alright. Things changed when we saw what she could do. 

Lamar: We saw everything that happened, and now we're here.

Tari: Right... I see...

Sofia was checking out Theo. 

Sofia: Oh my goodness! Haha! This is so cool....

Theo: Haha! That tickles!

Tari: Wait...Why were you guys spying on us?

Lamar: We weren't spyin' on you. We were spyin' on Lucks!

Sofia then proceeded to knock on theo's head like a watermelon.

Theo: Hey stop! My head's not a watermelon!

Sofia: Sorry!

Y/N: Then what were you guys trying to do?

Lamar: The original plan was to just get intel on Lucks and TASCorp. But that all changed when you showed up.

Sofia: ...You went into the video game! That's unheard of! I need to know how you did it. Let me inspect you a little bit....

Tari: Um...

Sofia: (chuckles evilly)

Lamar: Sofia! You idiot! Don't you recall what JUST happened at the arena?!

Sofia: Sorry! I'll be good.

Tari: Who are you guys exactly?

Sofia: Oh! Sorry, my name's Sofia. And you've already met tall, dark, and weeb over here. We call ourselves MD-5 and our mission is to...Take down the evil conglomerate, TASCorp!

Sofia got into a pose as she monologued, leaving the rest confused.

Y/N: What?

Sofia: Yeah...Sorry...

Y/N: It's fine. 

Lamar: It sounds cheesy as hell when you put it that way. But, yeah, that's essentially what we're trying to do.

Tari: What...What did they do to you guys?

Lamar: Uh...

Sofia: We...We each have our own reasons.

Lamar: Let's just say they destroyed many lives...including ours.

Sofia: But, with you on our side...I think we have a shot at taking them down!

Tari: Take them down?! I don't want anything to do with them!

Theo: Tari! We need to help these guys. They rescued us!

Tari: That's true, but Theo, I'm trying to keep us out of danger, not get us into more.

Sofia: Well, I just thought since you had nowhere to go, and neither of us are exactly friends of TASCorp, you would want to team up....

Lamar: Tari, I know you're scared. I was too when MD-5 found me. But I swear on all the 2D twin-tailed tsundere girls out there, that if you stick with us, we'll keep you safe.

The Game of Passion (Tari x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now