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Character Data

Your name is Y/N L/N
You're 17 years old
You are a nerd who goes to Hawkins High
You're a vocalist who sings in their free time

He is 17 years old
He likes to practice his drumming, and play D&D in his free time
He's the CEO Ig of the Hellfire Club and the Drummer in Corroded Coffin
His friends are Jeff (bsf), Eddie,Dustin,Mike and Lucas

He is 19 years old
He likes to smoke and play guitar in his free time
He's the leader of The Hellfire Club and is a Guitarist in Corroded Coffin
His friends are Gareth, Jeff, Dustin, Mike, bad Lucas

He is 18 years old
He likes to watch action movies and play Guitar in his free time
He's the manager of the Hellfire Club and a Guitarist in Corroded Coffin
His friends are Gareth(bsf),Dustin,Mike, and Lucas

He is 15 years old
He likes to study and hang out w his friends
He is a member of the Hellfire Club
His friends are Mike,Will,Lucas,El,Max,Gareth,Jeff, and Eddie

He is 15 years old
He likes to read Comics and write letters to El
He is a member of the Hellfire Club
He has the same friends as Dustin(got lazy)

He is 15 years old
He like to play Basketball
He is a bench warmer on the Hawkins High basketball team
His friends are Jason,Andy,Mike,Dustin,Will,Max and El

My Love- Gareth EmersonWhere stories live. Discover now