Meeting At An Ice Cream Shop - Seblos

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Seb P.O.V.

It was a warm summer Saturday afternoon, and I was out for a long walk. I had nothing to do, so I thought it would be fun. I was walking, when I came across a new ice cream shop, named " Jazzy Ice Cream". 

I decided to try the place since ice cream was much needed in this weather.

I walked in and the shop was really busy. I decided to wait in line until it was finally my turn.

" Hi welcome to Jazzy Ice Cream, my name is Carlos. What can I get started for you today ?". Asked the cashier.

"The cashier looks so adorable". I thought.

" Hi, can I please just get one scoop of Cookie Dough in a cup ? ". I ask.

" Of course, is that all ?". Carlos asked.

" Yes please". I say.

" That will be on the house today". Carlos says, with a big smile.

I was very surprised. 

" Why ?". I ask

" Because this week has been opening week, and everything is on the house". Carlos explains and then winks at me.

" Did the cute boy just flirt with me ?". I ask myself, trying not to blush.

" Here you are, one cup of cookie dough ice cream". He says, grabbing it from his coworker and then handing it to me.

" Thank you," I say.

" Here's a napkin". Carlos says, handing it to me.

I grab the napkin from him, but I couldn't help noticing there was something written on it. I looked at the napkin, and Carlos had written his number on it.

" Do you maybe want to hang out sometime ?". Carlos asked me, with confidence.

" Sure, that would be nice". I say, responding strongly.

" How about Monday at noon ?". I suggest.

" Perfect". Carlos says.

" Meet you at Salt Lake River Park ?". Carlos suggests.

" Sure". I say 

We said our goodbyes, and I walk out of the busy establishment making my way home. Very excited about the upcoming Monday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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