Her Story

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Like a tower cowering over her

A great force feild covering and holding her in

His voice projected harsh sour words

He knew his ways with words

Like venom he poured into her wounds and like loud shrieks in her ears

She'd use her hands and arms to protect her and cower into a shell

And the expression on her face spelled out fear and helplessness

To him its empowerment and well characterised dictatorship

Blind to hurt and pain

So his flow of words come in, in waves tossing and barring her 50 feet deep

That part of her he killed emotionally She's ready to take its life physically

If there is not a feeling in the world that shows her love

These new found threatful ones like depression, low self-esteem, and gulit will come down and take her with them

She's breaking and you can see the cracks on her foundation

He strikes again, with blows like  tyson punch

The one she'd been praying to for countless nights had came in and saved her on the other side of the brink

She fell onto her Lord and shining arm, the stories she heard weren't just tales and myths

But of serving a God who's love never leaves even if pain is involved in the mist.

God's wrather was more powerful than what he had done to her

His words were like filth stains on her pure garment and as stain upon stains built up, so to her anger

She had said to herself once before if death came upon him she'd shed no tear

When he was in critical condition, it was God who she'd fear

For all things he has control of and for her sake she will learn to forgive again, as she has been forgiven.

Newly DefinedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora